Climate Change Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections

Part 1: Carbon Target and Budgeting

Alteration of budgets or budgetary periods

Section 23: Alteration of budgetary periods

114.This section allows, in certain circumstances, the duration of budgetary periods and their start and end dates to be changed by affirmative resolution statutory instrument.

115.Subsection (2) prescribes the circumstances when this power can be exercised. These are when a change to the budgetary periods is needed to keep them in line with similar periods under European or international agreements to which the UK is a party. Subsection (3) prevents alterations that would leave a period of time outside the carbon budget system.

116.Subsection (4) allows an order under subsection (1) to make consequential amendments to other parts of the Act in order to ensure coherence of the provisions.

117.Subsection (5) requires the Secretary of State to consult the devolved administrations before making such an order.

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