Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Section 80 –Time allowed for representations by controlled persons

220.Section 3 of the PTA makes provision in relation to the supervision by the court of the making of non-derogating control orders. Once a non-derogating control order has been made, the Secretary of State’s decision to make the control order and impose the obligations in it are subject to mandatory review by the court. (In the case of a controlled person whose principal of residence is in Scotland the court is the Outer House of the Court of Session; in the case of a controlled person whose principle place of residence is in Northern Ireland the court is the High Court in Northern Ireland; and in any other case the court is the High Court in England and Wales (see section 15 of the PTA)). This review is a full hearing with the court applying judicial review principles to the decisions taken (this is commonly known as a “3(10) hearing” after the section in the PTA that provides for it). Section 3 requires the court to give an individual subject to a control order the opportunity to make representations to the court about directions for the 3(10) hearing in relation to that control order.

221.Subsections (2) and (3) of this section amend section 3 so that when a control order is made following permission from the court, the individual will be given an opportunity to make representations within seven days from the time that the order is served upon him and not, as currently, seven days from the time the court gives permission. There may for operational reasons be a gap – possibly longer than seven days – between the time a control order is made and the time it is served. The PTA as currently drafted potentially requires the court to give an individual the opportunity to make representations before the order is served – and thus before the individual is aware of the control order or bound by its obligations. This is impractical and operationally undesirable. This amendment will apply to control orders made after this section comes into force.

222.By virtue of new subsection (7A)(b), the amendment does not change the position regarding the timing of the opportunity for an individual to make representations in relation to urgent control orders made without the permission of the court. By definition, the individual in such cases is already aware of the control order and bound by its obligations.

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