Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections

Part 3 – Prosecution and Punishment of Terrorist Offences


Schedule 2 – Offences where terrorist connection to be considered

92.Schedule 2 sets out the list of offences under the general criminal law (as opposed to the terrorism legislation) in relation to which the court must consider whether there is a terrorist connection for the purposes of aggravated sentencing (sections 30 to 33). These are the offences most frequently used to prosecute terrorist cases or which are most likely to be used to prosecute such cases. The list of offences in Schedule 2 and determination of terrorist connection are also relevant to the forfeiture provisions in the Act (see section 35 which inserts new section 23A(4) into the 2000 Act) and the notification requirements of Part 4 of the Act (see section 42).

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