Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Section 9: Annual report to the Secretary of State

89.This section requires the Commission to produce a report for each financial year (to 31 March). The report must:

  • deal with the activities of the Commission in the financial year for which it is prepared; and

  • include the report prepared by the non-executive functions committee.

90.Subsection (3) sets out the activities that should be covered in the report as follows:

  • the strategic direction of the Commission and how this is being monitored and reviewed;

  • the objectives and targets of the Commission, what steps have been taken to meet them and the extent to which they have been met;

  • how performance of the Commission has been monitored;

  • the extent to which the Commission has relied upon its power to enter into arrangements with government departments and other public bodies; and

  • the extent to which the Commission has contracted out its functions.

91.Subsections (4) and (5) require the Commission to publish the report and send it to the Secretary of State to be laid before Parliament.

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