Appropriation Act 2009

2009 CHAPTER 2

An Act to authorise the use of resources for the service of the years ending with 31 March 2008 and 31 March 2009 and to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending with 31 March 2008 and 31 March 2009; and to appropriate the supply authorised in this Session of Parliament for the service of the years ending with 31 March 2008 and 31 March 2009.

[12th March 2009]

Whereas the Commons of the United Kingdom in Parliament assembled have resolved to authorise the use of resources and the issue of sums out of the Consolidated Fund towards making good the supply which they have granted to Her Majesty in this Session of Parliament: —

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—

1Use of resources for the year that ended with 31 March 2008U.K.

The use of resources for the service of the year that ended with 31 March 2008 is authorised to the amount of £1,886,000.

2Issue out of the Consolidated Fund for the year that ended with 31 March 2008U.K.

The Treasury may issue out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom and apply to the service of the year ending with 31 March 2008 the sum of £5,780,000.

3Use of resources for the year ending with 31 March 2009U.K.

The use of resources for the service of the year ending with 31 March 2009 is authorised to the amount of £37,878,310,000 .

4Issue out of the Consolidated Fund for the year ending with 31 March 2009U.K.

The Treasury may issue out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom and apply to the service of the year ending with 31 March 2009 the sum of £12,049,636,000.

5Appropriation of amounts and sums voted for supply services and limits on appropriations in aidU.K.

(1)All the amounts and sums authorised by this Act and the other Act mentioned in Schedule 1 to this Act, for the service of the year that ended with 31 March 2008 and of the year ending with 31 March 2009, totalling, as is shown in the said Schedule, £45,305,922,000 in amounts of resources authorised for use and £44,167,900,000 in sums authorised for issue from the Consolidated Fund, are appropriated, and shall be deemed to have been appropriated as from the date of the passing of the Acts mentioned in the said Schedule 1, for the services and purposes specified in Schedule 2 to this Act.

(2)Part 2 of Schedule 2 also sets out, for the services and purposes specified in that Part of that Schedule, modifications of the limits set for the purposes of section 2 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (c. 20) on the resources applicable as appropriations in aid for the year ending with 31 March 2009.

(3)Part 3 of Schedule 2 also sets out, for the services and purposes specified in that Part of that Schedule, the limits for the purposes of section 2 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (c. 20) on the resources applicable as appropriations in aid for the year ending with 31 March 2009.

(4)The limits as modified by Part 2 of Schedule 2 and those set out in Part 3 of that Schedule shall be deemed to have been in force from 25 November 2008.

(5)Subsection (4), so far as it relates to—

(a)a reduction set out in the Table in Part 2 of Schedule 2, or

(b)a modification so set out which, according to a note to that Part, comprises a reduction,

does not affect the validity of anything to which subsection (6) applies.

(6)This subsection applies to anything done in accordance with a direction given for the purposes of section 2 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (c. 20) during the year ending with 31 March 2009 if (disregarding subsection (4)) —

(a)at the time it was done the direction complied with the limit set under a previous Appropriation Act, or

(b)that direction would have complied with the limit then in force if that limit had, for the period ending with 23 February 2009, been increased as mentioned in the note in question.

(7)The payment of amounts into the Consolidated Fund is not required (by or under any enactment or otherwise) to the extent that permission for their retention is given by the Treasury in anticipation of the giving of directions, by reference to a Statement of Excesses, that will authorise the application of the amounts as appropriations in aid for the service of the year ending with 31 March 2009; but—

(a)a permission for the purposes of this subsection expires with the giving by reference to a Statement of Excesses of any direction that authorises the application of resources as appropriations in aid in relation to the Request for Resources or Estimate to which the amounts in question are referable; and

(b)if, having given such a permission, the Treasury decide before its expiry not to give the anticipated direction, they must withdraw the permission on making the decision.

(8)The abstracts of Schedule 1 and of Schedule 2 which are annexed to this Act shall have effect as part of this Act.

6Short titleU.K.

This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act 2009.

ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULE 1U.K.(Resources authorised for use and Grants out of the Consolidated Fund subject to appropriation)

Resources authorised for use ....................£45,305,922,000
Grants out of the Consolidated Fund ....................£44,167,900,000

ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULE 2U.K.(Appropriation of amounts and sums voted for supply services and limits on appropriations in aid)

*Represents an overall reduction

PartNet resources authorised for useGrants out of the Consolidated FundOperating Appropriations in AidNon-operating Appropriations in Aid
2007-08 and 2008-09
Part 1. Excesses, 2007-081,886,0005,780,00000
Part 2. Supplementary, 2008-0942,494,665,00041,084,610,000598,133,000−5,134,427,000*
Part 3. New Estimates, 2008-092,809,371,0003,077,510,0001,345,031,0000
Total 2008-0945,304,036,00044,162,120,0001,943,164,000−5,134,427,000*
Grand Total ....................45,305,922,00044,167,900,0001,943,164,000−5,134,427,000*

Section 5

SCHEDULE 1U.K.Resources authorised for use and Grants out of the Consolidated Fund subject to appropriation

Resources authorised for useGrants out of the Consolidated Fund

For the service of the year ended 31 March 2008—

Under this Act


For the service of the year ending 31 March 2009—

Under Act 2008 c. 3


Under this Act


Section 5

SCHEDULE 2U.K.Appropriation of amounts and sums voted for supply services and limits on appropriations in aid

Part 1 U.K.EXCESSES, 2007-08

Table of–

(a)the resources authorised for use to make good excesses incurred in meeting the costs of the defence and civil services which are specified in the first column of the Table for the year that ended with 31 March 2008; and

(b)the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund to make good those excesses.

Estimate/Request for ResourcesNet Resources authorised for useGrants out of the ConsolidatedFund
1. Promoting transport that works for everybody1,000
1. Advancing and safeguarding the economic interests of UK consumers1,885,000
Total, Excesses, 2007-081,886,0005,780,000

Part 2 U.K.Supplementary, 2008-09

Table of–

(a)the supplementary resources authorised for use to meet the costs of the services and purposes which are specified in the first column of the Table for the year ending with 31 March 2009;

(b)the supplementary sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund to meet those costs;

(c)supplementary reductions of the resources or sums previously authorised for such use or issue; and

(d)modifications of the limits set, for the purposes of section 2 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (c. 20), on the resources applicable as appropriations in aid to meet those costs.

*Represents an overall reduction

Estimate/Request for ResourcesNet Resources authorised for useGrants out of the Consolidated FundOperating Appropriations in AidNon-operating Appropriations in Aid
1. To help build a competitive economy and inclusive society by: creating opportunities for everyone to develop their learning; releasing potential in people to make the most of themselves; and achieving excellence in standards of education and levels of skills95,937,000 [1]48,949,000
Loans to voluntary aided schools; provision relating to former grant-maintained schools; the Assisted Places Scheme; music and dance schools; support for the Academy of Gifted and Talented Youth; City Technology Colleges; support for Academies; the school curriculum and its assessment; modernising the teaching profession and other educational services and initiatives; initiatives to write-off student loans to teachers in England and Wales; class size reductions; school and local education authority intervention; specialist schools; excellence in cities and other specific grants to local authorities including those through the Standards Fund; Dedicated School Grants; grants in aid to the National College for School Leadership, the Training and Development Agency for Schools, the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, the Schools Food Trust, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority and the Partnerships for Schools; support for the Centre for Information Learning Technology; support for Teachers TV; capital grants to schools including those through the Standards Fund; the Youth Service including the Youth Task Force and the Respect Agenda; careers guidance and services including through the Connexions Service including working capital grants and loans for capital purchases; education provision and initiatives, capital grants to music, dance and other schools; payments for education in prisons and other custodial institutions; education maintenance allowances; the provision of training and assessment programmes for young people; initiatives to improve education, training and qualifications arrangements and access to these; payments to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills to support 14-19 programmes. Millennium Volunteers; payments to the Home Office to support the Criminal Records Bureau; payments and grants to support personal and children's social services, and initiatives relating to teenage pregnancy, hospital and community health services; payments to support Childrens Wellbeing; payments for implementing the Aiming High programme children's secure accommodation and family policy; family parenting and law grants; Grants in Aid to the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, the Children's Workforce Development Council and the Children's Commissioner; payments and grants to support parenting and parenting organisations; children's workforce and development; grants to support Strengthening Families, Marriages and Relationships; payments for Child Trust Fund top ups, including through the Devolved Administrations; payments to support and develop vetting and barring; payments to the Department for Communities and Local Government to support Area Based Grants; investments and loans to support PFI; payments to the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform in connection with the Regional Development Agencies and the London Development Agency; to local voluntary, community and business support organisations; grant in aid, grants and working capital loans to the General Teaching Council; the Department's own administration and research and payments for the administration of teachers' pensions; payments for the administration of DIUS provided under a shared service agreement; information and publicity services; departmental restructuring costs; initiatives and programmes supported by the European Union, the Capital Modernisation Fund and with other Government Departments under the Invest to Save Budget; compensation payments to teachers and staff of certain institutions and teachers' medical fees; and associated non-cash items.
2. Promoting the physical, intellectual and social development of babies and young children through Sure Start, Early Years Provision and Childcare173,107,000 [2]126,000
Promoting the physical, intellectual and social development of babies and young children; childcare initiatives including quality assurance arrangements, children's centres; the education of under-fives; supporting families and communities; promoting Childrens Wellbeing; evaluating the programme; Grant in Aid to the Children's Workforce Development Council; Sure Start payments to the Department for Communities and Local Government to support Local Area Agreements; the administration of the Sure Start Unit; and associated non-cash items.
1. Teachers' Pensions00
Superannuation allowances and gratuities, and other related expenditure, in respect of teachers and the widows, widowers, children and dependants of deceased teachers, and for premature retirement compensation payments made to members of the Teachers' Pension Scheme and on behalf of their employers; and associated non-cash items.
1. Serving the interests of children and young people, parents, adult learners, employers and the wider community in England by promoting improvement in the quality of education, skills and young people's care through independent inspection, regulation and reporting40,736,0000
The registration and inspection of childcare and arrangements for the care and support of children and young people, the inspection of all maintained and some independent schools, further education, all publicly-funded adult education and training and some privately-funded training provision, teacher training and the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service, as well as the joint area reviews and annual performance assessments of local children's services provision and associated non-cash items.
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH350,123,000−17,286,000*
1. Securing health care for those who need it−233,048,000* [3]−120,972,000*
Revenue and capital expenditure for strategic health authorities and primary care trusts under their unified budgets, family health services (including general medical, general ophthalmic and pharmaceutical services); Public Dividend Capital (PDC) to NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts, loans to NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts, education, training, research and development; centrally managed expenditure to and on behalf of the NHS including funding Special Health authorities and other national bodies; forming, investing in or providing loans or guarantees to companies that will provide facilities or services to the NHS, provision of hospital financing for credit guarantee finance pilot projects; payments to local authorities for use in local area agreements; services provided to or on behalf of the Scottish Executive, National Assembly for Wales, and Northern Ireland, and associated non-cash items.
2. Securing social care and child protection for those who need it and, at national level, protecting, promoting and improving the nation's health367,324,000 [4]33,031,000
Revenue and capital administration, including certain expenditure on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions and the National Health Service in England; departmental agencies, centrally funded health and social services (including non-departmental public bodies and special health authorities some of which are administered on a United Kingdom basis); including other local government services, prison health services, medical, scientific and technical services, services for disabled persons, grants to voluntary organisations and other bodies, research and development, information services for health and personal social services and health promotion activities; provision of personal social services (including grants to local authorities); payments to local authorities for use in local area agreements; medical treatment given to people from the United Kingdom in the European Economic Area and other countries ; welfare food; Home Office inspection of laboratories; grants in aid; payments and subscriptions to international organisations; education and training for all health care professionals (excluding doctors); the Employment Opportunities Fund programme; services provided to or on behalf of the Scottish Executive, National Assembly for Wales, Northern Ireland and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, and associated non-cash items.
3. Office of the Independent Regulator for NHS Foundation Trusts250,000 [5]0
Grant in Aid funding for the Office of the Independent Regulator for NHS Foundation Trusts.
1. Protecting and promoting public health in relation to food251,0003,875,000
Administration, inspections, surveillance, managing research and development, education, publicity and publications, funding for non-cash items; funding for Meat Hygiene Service.
DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORT286,013,0008,000,000
1. Transport that works for everyone8,308,816,000567,340,000
Ports and shipping services; the National Ports Council Pension and Compensation schemes; freight grants; the Maritime and Coastguard Agency; civil and international aviation services including costs relating to type approval testing of electronic screening devices for use in enforcing aviation provisions of the Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003; support for and loans to National Air Traffic Services; the Highways Agency; payments to private consortia for design, build, finance and operate schemes; grants to local authorities, including the Greater London Authority and Merseyrail; payments to local authorities for the maintenance of de-trunked roads and promotion, publicity and publications in support of the Highways Agency operations; capital grants to Regional Development Agencies for regional infrastructure; the operation of the Dartford River crossing; compensation to private tolled undertakings for the imposition of VAT on tolls; loans and other expenditure relating to Other River Crossings; Bus Service Operator Grant; expenditure in connection with the introduction of concessionary Bus Travel for older and eligible disabled people in England; promoting efficiencies in sustainable distribution; support to nationalised transport industries; cleaner fuels and vehicles and other transport related environment programmes; low carbon transport; Transport Direct; royal travel; transport security; the Commission for Integrated Transport; trans-European network funds; support for other minor transport services; compensation and pension costs relating to pre-DVLC local authority driver and licensing staff; grants and loans and other expenditure relating to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (trading fund); Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency Vehicle excise duty collection and enforcement related activities, development and operation of systems associated with licensing; Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (trading fund); Vehicle and Operator Services Agency enforcement; Driving Standards Agency (trading fund); Vehicle Certification Agency; Vehicle Certification Agency enforcement; grants to London Underground; PPP Arbiter; the Channel Tunnel Rail Link; Cross London Rail Links Limited; National Freight Company travel concessions; railway industry and National Freight Company pension funds; the British Transport Police; the Renewable Fuels Agency; payments and financial assistance in respect of railways and railways services under Section 6 of the Railways Act 2005; accident investigation; research, development, statistics, censuses and surveys, safety, accessibility and equalities, publicity, promotion and advice and publications, monitoring, consultancies, selling into wider markets, including export opportunities; subscriptions and contributions to international organisations; compensation; support for the construction of venues and infrastructure related to the Olympic games; the administration and operation of the department; payments to the Department for Communities and Local Government in respect of certain central services; the purchase, acquisition, hire, lease and rent of land, buildings, plant, equipment, machinery, vehicles and capital assets; special payments; the central management of, and delivery of services to, the Civil Service and wider public sector; and associated non-cash items.
1: To create a better railway for passengers and freight, and better value for public funding authorities though independent, fair and effective regulation1,0004,910,000
Administration, capital expenditure and associated non-cash items.
1: To help build a competitive economy by: creating opportunities for everyone to develop their learning and skills and creating excellence in science, research and innovation502,046,000 [6]135,617,000
Further, higher and other education provision and initiatives for young people and adults; research and related initiatives at institutions delivering higher education; training, skills, enterprise, assessment and advice and guidance provision for young people, adults and employers and related initiatives; financial and other support for students and trainees, including grants, allowances, access funds, loans and their repayment, the resource consequences of loans to students, support for students through Local Authorities; the cost of sales of the student loan debt, reimbursement of fees for qualifying European Community students, post graduate awards, mandatory student awards, education maintenance allowances and childcare and transport support; Loans and residual costs of the winding up of the Training and Enterprise Councils (TECs); the distribution of residual TEC assets, returned to the Secretary of State under the terms of the TEC licence; investments and loans to support PFI; initiatives and programmes supported by the European Union; international programmes, including payments to the Department for Work and Pensions for the UK subscription to the International Labour Organisation and other international programmes; initiatives to support, improve and promote education, training, skills and student and trainee support; payments to the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform in connection with the Regional Development Agencies and the London Development Agency; grants in aid and funding for the Higher Education Funding Council for England; the Learning and Skills Council, Investors in People UK, the Student Loans Company, Office for Fair Access, the Quality Improvement Agency, Sector Skills Development Agency, the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, the Technology Strategy Board, innovation and standards, the Design Council and the British Standards Institute; funding for the Construction Industry Training Board, Engineering Construction Industry Training Board and Film Industry Training Board; UK Intellectual Property Office; National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts; National Weights and Measures including the National Weights and Measures Laboratory; Information and publicity initiatives and services; departmental and others' costs of administering the above, including payments to the Department for Children, Schools and Families; and income relating to the above. Expenditure covers cash, near-cash, capital and non-cash items. Expenditure covers payments, grants and loans to organisations in the public, private and other sectors, including employers, community, voluntary and business support organisations, to individuals and other government departments. Expenditure relates primarily to England, but in some cases includes supporting activities in other parts of the United Kingdom and abroad.
2: Increasing Scientific excellence in the UK and maximising its contribution to society1,255,0004,900,000
Research Councils; the Royal Society; the Royal Academy of Engineering; the British Academy; Research Base Initiatives; the Science Research Investment Fund; promotion of Science in Society; Knowledge Transfer initiatives including the Higher Education Innovation Fund and Public Sector Research Establishments grants; fees payable under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986; Research Council pensions; capital and administration costs of the Research Base Group and Government Office for Science; and associated non-cash items.
1. Improving the quality of life by creating thriving, inclusive and sustainable communities in all regions 601,562,000−64,112,000* [7]
Housing revenue account subsidy; homelessness, rough sleepers and housing reform; payments to the Housing Corporation; the Homes and Communities Agency; the Tenant Services Authority; mortgage support for homeowners; payments to the Audit Commission for registered social landlord inspections; disabled facilities grant; capacity building and efficiency improvements; home buying and selling; procurement efficiencies in social housing; payments to local authorities in respect of Area Based Grant; rent and leasehold services; social housing mobility including choice-based local authority lettings; tenant engagement; housing transfers; regional housing boards advice; the Supporting People programme; capital grants to local authorities for housing; Shanghai Expo 2010; payments to the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment; payments to the Academy for Sustainable Communities; payments under the Sustainable Communities Act 2007; charges by Valuation Offices in respect of Right to Buy; refurbishment and acquisition of gypsy sites; deprived neighbourhoods, including the New Deal for Communities programmes; payments to the Homes and Communities Agency; payments to the Urban Regeneration Agency; payments to the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform for Regional Development Agencies and the London Development Agency; Groundwork; initiatives to accelerate the growth areas, including transport schemes and payments to development corporations and other local delivery agencies; Support for the construction of venues and infrastructure related to the Olympic Games; grants and payments for creating and improving parks and public spaces; co-ordinating strategy for dealing with abandoned vehicles; payments that derive from European Structural Funds Regulations; exchange rate losses and other losses relating to European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) projects; Combined Universities of Cornwall; coalfields regeneration; planning; the Planning Inspectorate; Fire and Rescue services, including the grants paid to Chief Fire Officers' Association and measures to deal with the aftermath of terrorism; purchase of fire radio systems; payments and loans to the Fire Service College (trading fund); payments for provision of services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the fire service; Emergency Fire Service Closure costs; fire service pensions; fire service dispute(s); payments to Firebuy; work on improving race, gender and faith equalities; payments to the Community Development Foundation; Community Cohesion; Community empowerment; mapping data and services; Ordnance Survey trading fund; regional assemblies, payments for the Mersey Basin Campaign; special grants paid under Section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003; minor grants and payments in support of housing, planning, regeneration, liveability, urban design, building regulation, research, development, surveys; monitoring, statistics, advice and consultancies; initiatives to tackle areas of low demand housing; publicity, promotion and publications; communications; Special Grants Programme support to voluntary bodies; subscriptions and contributions to international organisations; the residual functions of Property Services Agency (PSA); payments and loans in connection with the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre trading fund; the administration and operation of the department including the Government Offices; the purchase, acquisition, hire, lease and rent of land, buildings, plant, equipment, machinery, vehicles and capital assets; housing statistics, special payments; and associated non-cash items.
2. Providing for effective devolved decision making within a national framework339,366,00033,500,000
Payments to the Valuation Office Agency for rating and valuation services; payments to the Audit Commission for Best Value inspections; revenue support grant and redistributed non-domestic rates to receiving authorities in England; repayments of excess contributions made by local authorities in respect of non-domestic rates in 2007-08 and previous years; preparation for the Greater London Authority and related bodies; Greater London Authority (GLA) general grant; intervention action and capacity building in local authorities; local Public Service Agreement (PSA) performance fund payments; grants paid under section 31 and 36(a) of the Local Government Act 2003; grants to beacon councils; emergency financial assistance to local authorities; payments to bodies specified by the Secretary of State under section 78 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, as amended, and to the Commission for Local Administration in England; mapping and other costs associated with local government reviews and revisions to administrative and electoral boundaries following Parish and Electoral Commission reviews; grant in aid to the Standards Board for England and to the Valuation Tribunal Service; payments in respect of the capital element of contracts let under the private finance initiative; research, development, surveys, monitoring, statistics, advice and consultancies; publicity, promotion and publications; special payments; subscriptions to the Commonwealth Local Government forum and associated non-cash items.
HOME OFFICE94,698,0005,520,000
1. Working together to protect the public20,357,000499,501,000 [8]
Police; set-up costs, loans and investments in the Forensic Science Service; registration of forensic practitioners; emergency planning; the prevention and treatment of drug abuse; crime reduction and prevention; regulation of the private security industry; criminal justice planning system and other services related to crime; identity cards; identity management; counter-terrorism and intelligence; control of immigration and nationality; passports; work permits; support for asylum seekers, refugees (including the provision of loans) and VCS refugee organisations; firearms compensation and related matters; claims by local authorities for the Kosovan evacuees special grant; support to local authorities, including Area Based Grants; payments to other Government departments; payments of grant and grant-in-aid to organisations promoting Home Office objectives, (including Non-Departmental Public Bodies); the administration and operation of the department; and associated non-cash items.
1. Giving the public confidence in the integrity of charity1,451,000704,000
Administration, capital expenditure and associated non-cash items.
MINISTRY OF JUSTICE1,048,829,000 [9]8,500,000
1. To promote the development of a modern, fair, cost effective and efficient system of justice for all1,299,148,000 [10]1,001,000

HQ and associated offices; administration of the Judicial Pension Scheme, administration of the Office of the Information Commissioner and the Judicial Appointments Commission. Costs of running the Office for Judicial Complaints and the Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman, costs of running the offices of the Legal Services Ombudsman and the Legal Services Complaints Commissioner. Costs of operating the Legal Services Board and the associated Levy.

HM Courts Service as formed under the Courts Act 2003 and associated activities including fine income, netting off and asset recovery incentive scheme, receipts under the victims surcharge, pre-1990 loan charges debt payments, Justices Clerks' Societies, Proportionate Dispute Resolution project, Wider Markets Initiatives; Section 31 grants to Local Authorities; the Office of the Public Guardian and Court of Protection. The establishment and operation of the Supreme Court as formed under the Constitutional Reform Act 2005. The costs associated with the implementation of the Office of Legal Complaints.

Offices of Court Funds, Official Solicitor and Public Trustee; Legal Aid paid through the Criminal Defence Service and Community Legal Service; administration for the Legal Services Commission. Payment of Grant and grant in aid to organisations promoting Ministry of Justice objectives including NDPBs, administration of central government tribunals via the Tribunals Service (including Asylum); costs paid from central funds; the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; costs in relation to constitutional offices; Privy Council office; re-imbursement of Lord Lieutenants' expenses; costs in relation to judicial training and the Judicial Offices for England & Wales.

Democracy and constitution, human rights workshops and surveys; promotion of information rights, electoral policy; boundaries and administration, including costs in relation to the policy on the conduct of all national elections and referenda in the UK and local elections, referenda in England & Wales (except certain referenda in Wales), payments in relation to the Electoral Administration Act 2006; establishment and maintenance of the Co-ordinated On-Line Record of Electors (CORE); funding of electoral pilot schemes; policy on the financing and regulation of political parties; citizen and youth engagement.

Parliamentary Boundary Commissions for England & Wales; research into constitution settlement/devolution, costs associated with the ‘Governance of Britain’ programme of constitutional renewal; conduct of MOJ's European and International business in the justice and home affairs field and the management of the UK's relationship with the Crown Dependencies. Contribution from the Treasury in respect of UK payments to the Hague Conference on Private International Law.

Judicial Exchange programmes; sponsorship of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and bilateral training projects in China; Constitutional education programmes within schools, policy on coroner and cremation services; support to Local Authorities for additional coroner work, payments in relation to the royal inquest, applications for exhumations, cremated repatriated remains and the closing of burial grounds, other legal services; joint initiatives in the Criminal Justice System.

Criminal Policy and Programmes including offender management programmes and the National Probation Service, costs of running Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons, costs of running Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation, funding for the Prisons & Probation Services Ombudsman. The Prevention and treatment of drug abuse; crime reduction and prevention; Criminal Injuries Compensation, Criminal Cases Review Commission, counter terrorism and intelligence.

Payments to local authorities in respect of local area agreements, secure accommodation placements, Prisons, Prison Service College, the Parole Board, Youth Justice Board, grants to ‘Prisoners abroad’, welfare to work schemes, payments to other government departments and associated non-cash items.

2. Overseeing the effective operation of the devolution settlement in Scotland and representing the interests of Scotland within the UK Government166,112,0000
Administration; the Boundary Commission for Scotland; payments of a grant to the Scottish Consolidated Fund; and associated non-cash items.
3. To support the Secretary of State in discharging his role of representing Wales in the UK Government, representing the UK Government in Wales and ensuring the smooth working of the devolution settlement in Wales199,111,0000
Administration; Lord Lieutenants' expenditure; payments of a grant to the Welsh Consolidated Fund; and associated non-cash items.
1.Supporting the effective and efficient administration of justice in Northern Ireland20,001,0004,000,000
Operation of the courts; Pensions Appeal Tribunal; Office of the Social Security and Child Support Commissioners; the Traffic Penalty Tribunal; the Northern Ireland Valuation Tribunal; Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel Northern Ireland; policy and legislation; accommodation services; grants to sundry bodies and associated non-cash items; grant of funding for the provision of publicly funded legal services; grant in aid to support the administration of the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission; grant in aid to support the administration of the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission; Tribunal Reform; and associated non-cash costs.
1: Promoting the study of the past in order to inform the present and the future by selecting, preserving and making publicly available public records of historical value and by encouraging high standards of care and public access for archives of historical value outside the public records and leading on UK information management re-use policy, spreading best practice, setting standards and ensuring compliance across the public sector and managing Crown and Parliamentary copyright and delivering cost effective publishing services and advice across government1,104,000 [12]4,000,000
Payments for expenditure on administration and operational associated non-cash costs.
1. Increasing public confidence in the criminal justice system through fair, firm and effective prosecutions18,234,0004,546,000
Administrative costs, including the hire of private agents; Crown Prosecution Services; the support of voluntary sector organisations working within the Criminal Justice System; in connection with the confiscation of the proceeds of crime; and associated non-cash items.
1. Reducing fraud and the cost of fraud and delivering justice and the rule of law17,276,0001,520,000
Administration, investigation, prosecution and associated non-cash items.
1. Providing comprehensive and competitive legal services to government departments and publicly funded bodies1,500,0000
Expenditure by the HM Procurator General and Treasury Solicitor's Department comprising the Treasury Solicitor's Department Agency, the Attorney General's Office and HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate on administration, costs and fees for legal and related services, residual matters following the closure of the Government Property Lawyers Agency and associated non-cash items.
MINISTRY OF DEFENCE4,015,677,000285,879,000
1. Provision of defence capability1,216,005,000180,700,000
Personnel costs of the Armed Forces and their reserves and cadet forces and personnel costs of Defence Ministers and of civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence; movements; charter of ships; logistic services for the Armed Forces; repair, maintenance, stores and supply services; associated capital facilities and works; contractors' redundancy cost; plant and machinery; nuclear warhead and fissile material programme; procurement, including development and production of equipment and weapon systems for the Armed Forces; purchases for sale abroad; research etc by contract; sundry procurement services including those on repayment terms; land and buildings works services; contingent liabilities; services provided by other Government departments; sundry services, subscriptions, grants and other payments including those abroad such as assistance to Foreign and Commonwealth Governments for defence related purposes and UK youth community projects; set-up costs and loans to, and income from, Trading Funds; and other associated non-cash items.
2. Operations and Peace-Keeping3,378,196,00028,090,000
The net additional costs for current operations (near cash resource, non-cash resource capital) in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Balkans. The net additional costs for early warning, crisis management conflict resolution/peace-making, peace-keeping and peace-building activities in other parts of the World. The net additional costs of associated strengthening of international regional systems; capacity; and the Stabilisation Aid Fund (Iraq and Afghanistan).
1. Armed Forces retired pay, pensions etc2,0000
Payment of retired pay, pensions and lump sum benefits and associated non-cash items to persons covered by the scheme.
1. Promoting internationally the interests of the UK and contributing to a strong world community36,184,00026,100,000 [13]
Expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office including UK Trade and Investment, on its administration, Wilton Park Executive Agency, hospitality and facilities; international organisations, grants-in-aid to bodies supporting FCO objectives; scholarships, information services and sponsored visits; special payments and assistance programmes to support foreign policy objectives including human rights, good governance, international security and the fight against the illicit drug trade; on grant-in-aid to FCO Services, the BBC World Service for broadcasting and to the British Council; the refund of certain taxes and duties paid by certain Foreign and Commonwealth governments and international organisations; and on associated non-cash items.
2. Conflict prevention233,328,0000
Expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on conflict prevention, early warning, crisis management, conflict resolution/peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding activity and on associated strengthening of international and regional systems and capacity.
1. Eliminating poverty in poorer countries55,874,0000
Development and humanitarian assistance under the International Development Act 2002, including financial and technical assistance to governments, institutions, voluntary agencies and individuals; capital subscriptions and other contributions, including payments under guarantee to multilateral development banks, UN, Commonwealth and other international and regional bodies; emergency, refugee and other relief assistance; grants in lieu of pensions in respect of overseas service; global environment assistance; costs relating to investments in public corporations and shareholdings in private sector companies; payments (under the authority of the European Communities Act 1972) to certain beneficiaries and former beneficiaries of the Gibraltar Social Insurance Fund; administration, related capital expenditure and other administrative costs; and associated non-cash items.
2. Conflict Prevention5,133,00060,000
Conflict prevention, early warning, crisis management, conflict resolution/peacemaking and peacebuilding activity and on associated strengthening of international and regional systems and capacity; post-conflict reconstruction programmes, including administration and related capital expenditure; and associated non-cash items.
1. Overseas superannuation2,000,0000
Pension and superannuation payments, grants and compensation payments, etc. in respect of overseas services; pensions for beneficiaries of certain former overseas pensions funds for which the UK assumed responsibility; contributions to pensions funds guaranteed by the UK; refunds of contributions made by overseas governments; war service credit; and associated non-cash items.
1. To help ensure business success in an increasingly competitive world−1,870,621,000* [15]−1,089,078,000* [16]
Promotion of enterprise, innovation and increased productivity delivered through market solutions designed to meet market imperfections identified within the portfolios of innovation, international trade and investment, regional investment, enterprise for small firms and people & skills; support for business, including support for specific industries, small businesses, regional programmes and programmes to promote research and development, innovation, best practice and sustainable development; promotion of strong, fair and competitive markets at home and abroad including developing fair and effective legal and regulatory frameworks and delivering regulatory reform, measures to combat international bribery and corruption, measures to protect investors, measures to promote the interests of consumers, support for employment relations programmes and measures to promote a skilled and flexible labour market; efficient management and discharge of liabilities falling to the Department, including nuclear waste management and decommissioning and liabilities in respect of former shipbuilding industry employees; provision of a repayable credit facility for Royal Mail; exchange risk and other guarantee losses; subscriptions to international organisations and fulfilment of international treaty obligations; payments to other Government departments and the Devolved Administrations in relation to programmes supporting BERR objectives; support for Government Offices; grants and grants-in-aid to organisations promoting BERR objectives, including Non-Departmental Public Bodies; financial assistance to public corporations and trading funds including Ofcom; managing the Government's shareholder interest in the portfolio of commercial businesses wholly or partly owned by Government; funding of the Department's executive agencies; issuing budgets and making payments to Regional Development Agencies, to which other Government departments will contribute by supplying resources which BERR will appropriate in aid; payments to local authorities in respect of Local Area Agreements and New Burdens responsibilities; miscellaneous programmes, including payments in respect of claims for the restitution of property of victims of Nazi persecution, compensation for distant water trawlermen and assistance to redundant steelworkers; Departmental administration costs and a share of the administration costs of UK Trade & Investment; payments towards the expenses of the Office of Manpower Economics; and associated non-cash items.
1. To enhance the competitiveness of companies in the UK through overseas trade and investments; and attract a continuing high level of quality foreign direct investment1,000743,000
Trade development and promotion and inward investment, including grants to the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), associated capital and other related expenditure and associated non-cash items.
1. Effective Management of UKAEA pension schemes12,501,00014,694,000
Payment of pensions, etc., to members of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority pension schemes, related expenditure and associated non-cash items.
1. To provide export finance assistance through interest support to benefit the UK economy by facilitating exports1,0007,241,000
Interest support to banks and other lenders of export finance and the funding of the refinancing programme, and on associated non-cash items.
2. To provide export credit guarantees and investment insurance to benefit the UK economy by facilitating exports1,0000
Export credit guarantees given in the national interest or to render economic assistance to overseas countries, overseas investment insurance, residual commitments under discontinued facilities, the cost escalation scheme subvention for the active management of the portfolio; provision of advice and services relating to credit guarantees and insurance, to other government departments, and on associated non-cash items.
1. Advancing and safeguarding the economic interests of UK consumers1,0001,653,000
Administrative and operational costs and associated non-cash items.
1. Protecting consumers by regulating monopolies and promoting competition in the electricity and gas industry, and expenditure in connection with environmental programmes1,0001,499,000
Administrative and operational costs, payments to other government organisations, co-operation with international regulators, administration of energy efficiency, offshore transmission and other environmental schemes and associated non-cash items.
1. Ensuring the provision of a universal postal service at a uniform tariff, protecting consumers and promoting competition2,000214,000
Administrative and operational costs and associated non-cash items.
1. Ensuring that consumers benefit from competitively priced food, produced to high standards of safety; environmental care and animal welfare from a sustainable, efficient food chain, to contribute to the well being of rural and coastal communities and funding aspects of the Common Agricultural Policy and Rural Development Programme for England Guarantee Section as economically, efficiently and effectively as possible−279,776,000* [19]−14,187,000* [20]

Climate modelling, risk assessment and adaptation; Support national and global biodiversity; contaminated land grants; environmental protection; maintain water quality and supply; management of inland waterways and obligations under the Water Act 2003; marine environment, species and habitat protection; international policy, research, standard-setting, and monitoring to support sustainable forestry; wildlife management; maintain air and ozone quality; increase UK's environment decontamination capabilities;

Promotion and support for sustainable consumption and production, better waste management and sustainable development; Flood risk management; exotic and endemic animal and plant disease policy portfolio and eradication; regulatory systems for chemicals and pesticides; manage other environmental risks; land drainage and sewerage; noise-mapping; radioactive waste management; pollution emergency response services; Supporting development of farming and cost-sharing initiatives; keeping, movement tracing, international trade and welfare of animals; animal products, dairy hygiene and marketing; champion hygienic production, marketing, delivery and processing in the agriculture, fisheries and food industries; EU compensation payments to producers and support for agriculture; UK's responsibilities under the CITES Convention; fishing industry support; Support a sustainable, secure and healthy food supply; Support for rural and regional development;

Specialist support services, staff management and development; other departmental administration and non-cash costs; publicity, promotion, awareness and publications; knowledge sharing initiatives; commissioned and departmental research and development; grant-in-aid and subsidies to support delivery bodies; surveys, monitoring, statistics, advice and consultancies; funding through Area Based Grants; subscriptions and contributions to international organisations; licensing, approvals and certification; inspections and compliance in accordance with EU regulatory requirements.

2. Direction of the delivery of the Government's Strategy for Trees, Woods and Forests in England and taking the lead in development and promotion of sustainable forest management across Great Britain13,081,000 [21]0
Deliver the social, environmental and economic programmes of the UK Government's strategy for Trees, Woods and Forests in England, connected to the distinctive needs of the Regions, through the promotion of forestry; and by managing the Commission's Estate regulating planting and felling and offering incentives. Provide advice and support to the UK Government and to the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales, represent the United Kingdom's forestry interests within the European Union and internationally, set standards for sustainable forest management and encourage good forestry practice, conduct forest research and protect forests from pests and disease.
DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS3,693,412,000 [22]22,051,000
1. Ensuring the best start for all children and ending child poverty in 20 years179,517,000 [23]458,000
Child Support Agency; Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission; associated central services; and the administration and operating costs of the Department and associated non-cash items.
2. Promote work as the best form of welfare for people of working age, whilst protecting the position of those in greatest need2,698,463,000 [24]7,805,000 [25]
Assessment of entitlement to, calculation and payment of social security benefits to people of working age in accordance with the prevailing legislation and regulations; employment and training programmes, and payments of appropriate allowances, to help people back to work; compensation payments to the National Insurance Fund in respect of Statutory Sick and Statutory Maternity Pay; Social Fund loans and grants; temporary subsidies to employers; Grants, Grants in Aid, loans, and other payments through other government departments and to private, public, and voluntary bodies, including Non-Departmental Public Bodies, promoting Department for Work and Pensions objectives; temporary loan facility to Remploy Ltd; assistance and advice on employment service and labour market issues to international organisations; research; publicity; subsidies to housing, billing, levying and local authorities for administering the Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit; rent rebate; rent allowance; Council Tax Benefit; discretionary housing payments; compensation for dust related diseases; The Rent Service Agency; the Health and Safety Executive and Health and Safety Laboratory; Work, Welfare and Equality Client group; payments for education; training and employment projects assisted by the European Union and refunds to the European Union; the UK subscription to the International Labour Organisation; international educational, training and employment programmes; measures to promote financial inclusion; and the administration and operating costs of the Department and associated non-cash items.
3. Combat poverty and promote security and independence in retirement for today's and tomorrow's pensioners1,671,273,000 [26]−24,205,000*
Assessment of entitlement to, calculation and payment of, social security benefits to pensioners and to customers abroad in accordance with the prevailing legislation and regulations; Social Fund loans and grants; costs and payments associated with the collapse of private pension schemes; assist people to make plans for their retirement; research into pensions; private pensions industry regulatory work; programmes and new measures to help improve independence and social inclusion for older people; Grants, Grants in Aid, loans, and payments to private, public and voluntary bodies, including Non-Departmental Public Bodies, promoting Department for Work and Pensions objectives; payments made to the BBC in respect of over 75s free TV licence scheme; General Levy payments to the Pensions Regulator in respect of Public Sector Pension Schemes; and the administration and operating costs of the Department and associated non-cash items.
4. Improve the rights and opportunities for disabled people in a fair and inclusive society252,795,000 [27]6,445,000
Assessment of entitlement to, calculation and payment of, social security benefits to people with disabilities and their carers in accordance with the prevailing legislation and regulations; Grants, Grant in Aid, loans, and other payments to private, public and voluntary bodies, including Non-Departmental Public Bodies, promoting Department for Work and Pensions objectives; and the administration and operating costs of the Department and associated non-cash items.
5. Corporate contracts and support services−2,108,000* [28]28,479,000
Central services; measures to promote financial inclusion; collecting debt arising from overpayments of benefit and on behalf of other public and private sector bodies; payment of Grants to Local Authorities; administration and other operating costs of Directgov; and the administration and operating costs of the Department and associated non-cash items.
1. Promoting a fair and equal society where everyone has the opportunity to prosper and reach their full potential.1,00033,000
Work on gender and wider equalities policy, grant in aid to the Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR); grants and payments associated with gender and wider equality policy; programme expenditure on the Women's National Commission; the administration costs of the Government Equalities Office; and other associated non-cash costs.
NORTHERN IRELAND OFFICE1,431,593,0002,300,000
1. Playing a full part in implementing the Good Friday Agreement and representing the interests of Northern Ireland in the UK Government; supporting and developing an efficient, effective and responsive Criminal Justice System; upholding and sustaining the rule of law and preventing crime; maintaining a secure and humane prison service and reducing the risks of re-offending174,014,0004,443,000
Expenditure on central administrative services; expenditure on Head of State related costs; VIP visits to Northern Ireland; the Bloody Sunday Inquiry; Reviews and Commissions arising from the Good Friday Agreement; expenditure on political development and inquiries; expenditure on Victims of the Troubles; expenditure arising from the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and Northern Ireland Act 2000; expenditure arising from elections; forensic services; services related to crime; criminal justice including juvenile justice services; probation and after-care; state pathology; Crown prosecutions and other legal services; compensation schemes; European Union peace and reconciliation projects; and certain other grants; implementation of the Independent Commission on Police findings; security; the Police Ombudsman; Access Northern Ireland; the Independent Assessor of Military Complaints Procedures in Northern Ireland; the Parades Commission; arms decommissioning; policing ; prisons including the Prison Service Trust and the Prisoner Ombudsman; the Northern Ireland Law Commission and associated non-cash items.
2. Providing appropriate funding to the Northern Ireland Consolidated Fund for the delivery of transferred public services as defined by the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and the Northern Ireland Act 2000.1,285,000,0000
Grants to the Northern Ireland Consolidated Fund and transfers of EU funds.
HM TREASURY (REVISED)27,515,338,000 [29]0
1. Raising the rate of sustainable growth and achieving rising prosperity and a better quality of life, with economic and employment opportunities for all20,756,184,000 [30]17,803,000
Economic, financial and related administration, including group shared services; expenses in connection with honours and dignities; expenditure of the Debt Management Office, including administration of carbon dioxide emission reduction schemes; expenditure on a pilot scheme in connection with the provision of generic financial advice; payments under an indemnity guarantee in respect of Paymaster; expenditure on administration of Treasury related bodies; compensation payments arising from gilt administration; cost of capital charges on the Treasury's investment in the Bank of England; payments to other government departments; costs and income related to investment in and financial assistance to financial institutions; and associated non-cash items.
2. Cost-effective management of the supply of coins and actions to protect the integrity of coinage−3,675,000* [31]0
Manufacture, storage and distribution of coinage for use in the United Kingdom, actions to protect the integrity of coinage, and associated non-cash items.
3. Obtaining the best value for money from Government's commercial relationships on a sustainable basis735,000 [32]7,890,000
Administration and other related costs of the Office of Government Commerce and OGC, management and disposal of surplus civil estate, costs and income from investment and loans to OGC and associated non-cash items.
1. Administering the tax and customs control systems fairly and efficiently and making it as easy as possible for individuals and businesses to understand and comply with their obligations and receive their tax credit and other entitlements279,747,000132,934,000
Administration and the associated non-cash items incurred in the management and collection of the direct and indirect taxes, duties and levies, new tax credits and National Insurance Contributions; Child Benefit and the Child Trust Fund, Shipbuilders' Relief, Money Laundering regulatory regime, the National Insurance Funds for Great Britain and Northern Ireland; OPG and government banking services; Airplane Tax; Health in Pregnancy Grant; Saving Gateway; National minimum wage; collection of student loans; the operation of customs controls including prohibitions and restrictions; the provision of trade information; the provision of Capital Grants for Excise Tax Stamps; the provision of resources to independent investigatory bodies (including the HMIC, IPCC and the police authorities) to facilitate the independent inspection of professional standards within the Department, the investigation of allegations of mis-conduct or criminal activities by Departmental staff and fulfilment of reciprocal complaints investigation arrangements with police authorities; the provision of incentive payments for e-filing; payments in respect of the Customs National Museum; grants to the voluntary and community sector; providing the business link portal; air travel carbon-offsetting; services to support the Welfare Reform Agenda; and for services provided to the department's information technology and wider markets' partners, other departments and public bodies including any assistance with investigations into terrorist incidents, and overseas tax administration and the activity in support of the UK Border Agency.
2. Growing a contribution to the good management of property where the public interest is involved2,645,0002,220,000
Administration and the associated non-cash items incurred in the provision of valuation and other services for government departments and other public bodies by the Valuation Office Agency, including preparatory work for the transfer of function from The Rent Service in 2009.
5. Payments of Child Benefit, Health in Pregnancy Grant and Child Trust Fund endowments340,000,0000
Payments of Child Benefit, Health in Pregnancy Grant, Child Trust Fund and the associated non-cash items.
1. Reducing the costs to the taxpayer of government borrowing now and in the future24,046,0000
Administration and operational costs, research and development works, equipment and other payments, and associated non-cash items.
1. To promote and safeguard the production and publication of official statistics that serve the public good7,005,0003,242,000
Collection, preparation and dissemination of economic, social, labour market and other statistics; promote and safeguard the quality of official statistics, to monitor the production and publication of official statistics; to prepare and publish a Code of Practice for Statistics; to prepare and publish a programme for the assessment of existing and candidate National Statistics against the Code; and associated non-cash items.
CABINET OFFICE48,087,000 [33]15,000
1. Supporting the Prime Minister's Office closely in ensuring the delivery of Government objectives52,628,000 [34]−39,215,000*
The Prime Minister's Office; the Offices of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Ministers in the Cabinet Office and the Secretary of the Cabinet and Head of the Home Civil Service; Parliamentary Counsel Office; Government Communication; Civil Service Capabilities Group; Transformational Government; Economic and Domestic Secretariat; European and Global Issues Secretariat; Foreign and Defence Policy Secretariat; Security, Intelligence and Resilience; Intelligence Assessment; Office of the Third Sector; Social Exclusion Task Force; Strategy Unit; Honours and Appointments Secretariat; Lord President of the Council and the Leader of the House of Lords and the Leader and Deputy Leader of the House of Commons and the Offices of the Government Whips in the House of Commons and the House of Lords; and various other units; payments to former Prime Ministers; the central management of, and delivery of services to, the Civil Service and wider public sector; improving public services; civil service reform; cross-departmental IT systems; co-ordination of cross-cutting issues; grants in aid to not-for-profit organisations including the Chequers Trust, the Civil Service Benevolent Fund, Civil Service Sports Council, Civil Service Retirement Fellowship, and Capacity Builders (UK) Limited, and Commission for the Compact Limited, Executive NDPB's; grants to organisations working in the Third Sector and to Local Authorities and other organisations including Disability Partnership and the Whitehall and Industry group; and associated non-cash items.
1. Protecting and promoting the national security and economic well being of the UK21,165,0008,110,000 [35]
Administration and operational costs, research and development works, equipment and other payments, and associated non-cash items.
1. Civil superannuation4,000,000120,000,000
The superannuation of civil servants; pensions etc., and other pensions and non-recurrent payments; for other related services and associated non-cash items.
1. To provide a centre of excellence for learning and development in support of the strategic business priorities of Government1,729,0000
Administration and the associated non-cash items incurred in the management of the National School of Government.
1. To undertake the work of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Health Service Commissioner for England4,110,0000
Administration costs; capital expenditure; providing services to support the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman and the Northern Ireland Ombudsman together with cost sharing arrangements with the Commission for Local Administration in England and the Information Commissioner; and associated non-cash items.
1. Members' expenses and administration, etc.1,580,0001,526,000
Members' expenses; administrative and accommodation costs, including staff salaries and pensions; security; stationery; printing; financial assistance to opposition parties; grants in aid to Parliamentary bodies; and associated non-cash items.
TOTAL, 2008-0942,494,665,00041,084,610,000598,133,000−5,134,427,000*


Table of–

(a)the resources authorised for use to meet the costs of the services and purposes which are specified in the first column of the Table for the year ending with 31 March 2009;

(b)the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund to meet those costs; and

(c)the limits set for the purposes of section 2 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (c. 20), on the resources applicable as appropriations in aid to meet those costs.

Estimate/Request for ResourcesNet Resources authorised for useGrants out of the Consolidated FundOperating Appropriations in AidNon-operating Appropriations in Aid
1. Supporting the provision of energy that is affordable, secure and sustainable; bringing about a low-carbon UK, securing an international agreement on climate change; promoting low carbon technologies at home and in developing countries; and managing historic energy liabilities effectively and responsibly.2,809,371,000 [37]1,345,031,000 [38]

Support for energy-related activities including regulation, civil emergency planning, environmental remediation and support for new and sustainable energy sources, security and non-proliferation; safety, environment and social impact programmes relating to nuclear sites in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union and other countries where future G8 Global Partnership related initiatives may be pursued.

Respond to fuel poverty needs; measures to improve energy efficiency, security and environmental practice; promote and support actions to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions; climate modelling and risk assessment.

Work towards international agreement on climate change; subscriptions and contributions to international organisations and fulfilment of international treaty obligations.

Payments to the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform towards the costs of the Regional Development Agencies and the London Development Agency.

Efficient discharge of liabilities falling to the Department, including nuclear waste management and decommissioning and for former coal industry employees.

Specialist support services, staff management and development; other departmental administration and non-cash costs; exchange risk and other guarantee losses; publicity, promotion, publications, knowledge sharing initiatives and departmental research and development; grant-in-aid and subsidies to support delivery bodies; surveys, monitoring, statistics, advice and consultancies; licensing, approvals and certification; inspections and compliance in accordance with international and EU regulatory requirements.

TOTAL, NEW ESTIMATES, 2008-092,809,371,0003,077,510,0001,345,031,0000


1U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department for Children, Schools and Families Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £109,678,000, and

(b)a reduction of £13,741,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 2 of that Estimate (see also Note 2).

2U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 2 of the Department for Children, Schools and Families Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £159,366,000, and

(b)an increase of £13,741,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources previously authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of that Estimate (see also Note 1).

3U.K.The reduction of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department of Health Estimate comprises—

(a)a reduction of £232,798,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 2 of that Estimate (see also Note 4), and

(b)a reduction of £250,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 3 of that Estimate (see also Note 5).

4U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 2 of the Department of Health Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £134,526,000, and

(b)an increase of £232,798,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources previously authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of that Estimate (see also Note 3).

5U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 3 of the Department of Health Estimate is in consequence of a reallocation of resources previously authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of that Estimate (see also Note 3).

6U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £500,446,000, and

(b)an increase of £1,600,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Cabinet Office (see also Note 34).

7U.K.The modification set out in the Table on the limit set on the resources applicable as operating appropriations in aid in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department for Communities and Local Government comprises—

(a)an increase of the limit of £32,040,000, and

(b)a subsequent reduction of the limit of £96,152,000.

8(1)The modification set out in the Table on the limit set on the resources applicable as operating appropriations in aid in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Home Office Estimate comprises—U.K.

(a)an increase the limit of £498,442,000, calculated as described in paragraph (2), and

(b)a subsequent increase of the limit of £1,059,000.

(2)The amount of £498,442,000 specified in sub-paragraph 1(a) was calculated by aggregating—

(a)an increase of £172,242,000, and

(b)an increase of £326,200,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (see also Note 13).

9U.K.The increase of the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the Ministry of Justice Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary sums totalling £1,049,933,000, and

(b)a reduction of £1,104,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to The National Archives (see also Note 11).

10U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Ministry of Justice Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £1,300,252,000, and

(b)a reduction of £1,104,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to The National Archives (see also Note 12).

11U.K.The increase of the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of The National Archives Estimate is in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Ministry of Justice (see also Note 9).

12U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of The National Archives Estimate is in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Ministry of Justice (see also Note 10).

13U.K.The modification set out in the Table on the limit set on the resources applicable as operating appropriations in aid in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Estimate comprises—

(a)a reduction of the limit of £326,200,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Home Office (see also Note 8), and

(b)a subsequent increase of the limit of £352,300,000.

14U.K.The reduction of the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary sums totalling £934,955,000, and

(b)a subsequent reduction of £2,377,207,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (see also Note 36).

15U.K.The reduction of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £37,021,000, and

(b)a reduction of £1,907,642,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (see also Note 37).

16(1)The modification set out in the Table on the limit set on the resources applicable as operating appropriations in aid in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Estimate comprises—U.K.

(a)a reduction of the limit of £20,115,000, and

(b)a subsequent reduction in the limit of £1,068,963,000, calculated as described in sub-paragraph (2).

(2)The amount of £1,068,963,000 specified in sub-paragraph 1(b) was calculated by aggregating—

(a)an increase of £8,218,000, and

(b)a reduction of £1,077,181,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (see also Note 38).

17U.K.In Part 28 of Schedule 2 of the Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2008 (c. 8), the title of the Estimate which is now entitled UK Atomic Energy Authority Pension Schemes was Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform: UKAEA pension schemes.

18U.K.The reduction of the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary sums totalling £502,610,000,

(b)a reduction of £10,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department for Work and Pensions (see also Note 22), and

(c)a reduction of £597,027,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (see also Note 36).

19U.K.The reduction of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £331,749,000,

(b)a reduction of £598,444,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (see also Note 37), and

(c)a reduction of £13,081,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 2 of that Estimate (see also Note 21).

20(1)The modification set out in the Table on the limit set on the resources applicable as operating appropriations in aid in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Estimate comprises—U.K.

(a)a reduction of the limit of £101,121,000, calculated as described in paragraph (2), and

(b)a subsequent increase of the limit of £86,934,000.

(2)The amount of £101,121,000 specified in sub-paragraph 1(a) was calculated by aggregating—

(a)£88,430,000, and

(b)£12,691,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department for Work and Pensions (see also Note 25).

21U.K.The increase of resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 2 of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Estimate is in consequence of a reallocation of resources from Request for Resources 1 of that Estimate (see also Note 19).

22U.K.The increase of the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the Department for Work and Pensions Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary sums totalling of £3,692,927,000,

(b)an increase of £10,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (see also Note 18),and

(c)an increase of £475,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Cabinet Office (see also Note 33).

23U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department for Work and Pensions Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling of £135,702,000, and

(b)an increase of £43,815,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources previously authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 5 of that Estimate (see also Note 28).

24U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 2 of the Department for Work and Pensions Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £2,659,941,000, and

(b)an increase of £38,522,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources previously authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 5 of that Estimate (see also Note 28).

25(1)The modification set out in the Table on the limit set on the resources applicable as operating appropriations in aid in respect of Request for Resources 2 of the Department for Work and Pensions Estimate comprises—U.K.

(a)a reduction of the limit of £43,332,000, calculated as described in paragraph (2), and

(b)a subsequent increase of the limit of £51,137,000.

(2)The amount of £43,332,000 specified in sub-paragraph (1) was calculated by aggregating—

(a)a reduction of £56,023,000, and

(b)an increase of £12,691,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (see also Note 20).

26U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 3 of the Department for Work and Pensions Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £1,644,463,000, and

(b)an increase of £26,810,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources previously authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 5 of that Estimate (see also Note 28).

27U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 4 of the Department for Work and Pensions Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £245,317,000, and

(b)an increase of £7,478,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources previously authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 5 of that Estimate (see also Note 28).

28U.K.The reduction of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 5 of the Department for Work and Pensions Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling £113,487,000,

(b)an increase of £1,030,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Cabinet Office (see also Note 34),

(c)a reduction of £43,815,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 1 of that Estimate (see also Note 23),

(d)a reduction of £38,522,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 2 of that Estimate (see also Note 24),

(e)a reduction of £26,810,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 3 of that Estimate (see also Note 26), and

(f)a reduction of £7,478,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 4 of that Estimate (see also Note 27).

29U.K.The increase of the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the HM Treasury Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary sums totalling of £27,515,611,000, and

(b)a reduction of £273,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Cabinet Office (see also Note 33).

30U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the HM Treasury Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling of £20,750,582,000,

(b)a reduction of £273,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Cabinet Office (see also Note 34),

(c)an increase of £3,675,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources previously authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 2 of that Estimate (see also Note 31), and

(d)an increase of £2,200,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources previously authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 3 of that Estimate (see also Note 32).

31U.K.The reduction of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 2 of the HM Treasury Estimate is in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 1 of that Estimate (see also Note 30).

32U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 3 of the HM Treasury Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling of £2,935,000, and

(b)a reduction of £2,200,000 in consequence of a reallocation of resources to Request for Resources 1 of that Estimate (see also Note 30).

33U.K.The increase of the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the Cabinet Office Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary sums totalling of £48,289,000,

(b)a reduction of £475,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department for Work and Pensions (see also Note 22), and

(c)an increase of £273,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions from HM Treasury (see also Note 29).

34U.K.The increase of the resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Cabinet Office Estimate comprises—

(a)supplementary resources totalling of £54,985,000,

(b)a reduction of £1,600,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (see also Note 6),

(c)a reduction of £1,030,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions to the Department for Work and Pensions (see also Note 28), and

(d)an increase of £273,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions from HM Treasury (see also Note 30).

35(1)The modification set out in the Table on the limit set on the resources applicable as operating appropriations in aid in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Security and Intelligence Agencies Estimate comprises—U.K.

(a)an increase of £10,811,000, and

(b)a subsequent reduction of the limit of £2,701,000.

36U.K.The sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the Department of Energy and Climate Change Estimate comprise—

(a)sums totalling £2,377,207,000 that are authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of that Estimate in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (see also Note 14),

(b)sums totalling £597,027,000 that are authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of that Estimate in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs(see also Note 18), and

(c)other sums totalling £103,276,000.

37U.K.The resources authorised for use in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department of Energy and Climate Change Estimate comprise—

(a)resources totalling £1,907,642,000 that are authorised for use in respect of that Request for Resources in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (see also Note 15),

(b)resources totalling £598,444,000 that are authorised for use in respect of that Request for Resources in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (see also Note 19),and

(c)other resources totalling £303,285,000.

38U.K.The initial limit set on resources applicable as operating appropriations in aid in respect of Request for Resources 1 of the Department of Energy and Climate Change Estimate comprises—

(a)£267,850,000, and

(b)£1,077,181,000 in consequence of a transfer of functions from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (see also Note16).