Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 66: Securing provision of education or training

201.This section gives the YPLA the power to commission education or training for persons over compulsory school age but under 19, for learners aged 19 but under 25 for whom a learning difficulty assessment has been or is required to be made and for children subject to youth detention. This power will enable the YPLA to secure provision directly, for example:

  • from the small number of national providers from whom it may be appropriate to commission at national rather than local level;

  • where sub-regional groups of LEAs are not yet ready to take on this role; or

  • where a local education authority is failing or is likely to fail to fulfil its duty under the new sections 15ZA and 18A of the Education Act 1996 (as inserted by sections 41 and 48) to commission suitable education or training.

202.The circumstances under which the YPLA would be expected to exercise these powers will be set out by the Secretary of State in his remit letter to the YPLA. When exercising this power the YPLA must have regard to things done by local education authorities in the performance of their duties under sections 15ZA(1) and 18A(1) of the Education Act 1996.

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