Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Provision of services and assistance
Section 68: Provision of services

206.Section 68 gives the YPLA the power to provide and receive payment for services to those persons or bodies listed in subsection (4) in connection with any of the recipient’s functions relating to education and training. Those listed are the Secretary of State, the Welsh Ministers, the Scottish Ministers, a Northern Ireland department, the Chief Executive of Skills Funding, any person wholly or partly funded from public funds who has functions in relation to education or training, and any other person specified by order made by the appropriate national authority.

207.Examples of these services could include:

  • providing accommodation and other facilities; and

  • support services such as software management systems, management information systems, payroll administration, human resources functions, finance services and procurement services.

208.For example, the YPLA would be able to use this power to provide shared services with the Chief Executive of Skills Funding, or the YPLA and Chief Executive could provide services on each other’s behalf for reasons of efficiency.

209.In Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, arrangements for such services will be made only with the consent of the respective devolved administrations. Separate consent will be required from each administration for each type of service. The YPLA will also need to obtain the consent of the Secretary of State before making arrangements to provide support services to a person or body operating in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

Section 69: Assistance with respect to employment and training, Section 70: Assistance with respect to employment and training: Northern Ireland

210.Both of these sections allow the YPLA to take part in arrangements in relation to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland for assisting persons to select, train for, obtain and retain employment. Consent of the Welsh and Scottish administrations will be required for arrangements made by the Secretary of State in relation to Wales and Scotland but this is not required in respect of Northern Ireland. The consent of the Secretary of State will be required for arrangements made by all the devolved administrations which involve the YPLA.

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