Section 33I: Constitution of sixth form college corporation and conduct of sixth form college, Section 33J: Special provision for certain institutions, Section 33K: Instrument and articles of new sixth form college corporations, Section 33L: Changes to instruments and articles
350.These new sections contain provisions relating to the instruments and articles of government of sixth form colleges. Under section 33I, all sixth form colleges must have instruments and articles of government. Section 33J makes provision requiring sixth form colleges of a particular character — mainly faith-based institutions and those established by foundations — to reflect those characteristics in their trust deeds and the membership of their governing bodies. The initial instruments and articles of government of a new sixth form college established under section 33C will be drawn up by the YPLA (section 33K). Section 33L sets out procedures by which the YPLA may modify instruments and articles of government in consultation with sixth form college corporations.