
Schedule 11The Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency




The QCDA may delegate any of its functions to—


a member of the QCDA or the QCDA's staff;


a committee established by the QCDA;


a joint committee.


A function is delegated under this paragraph to the extent and on the terms that the QCDA determines.



A committee established by the QCDA or a joint committee may delegate any of its functions to a sub-committee established by it.


A function is delegated under this paragraph to the extent and on the terms that the committee determines.


The power of a committee established by the QCDA to delegate a function under this paragraph, and to determine the extent and terms of the delegation, are subject to the powers of the QCDA and (in the case of a committee established under paragraph 9(2)) the Secretary of State to direct what the committee may and may not do.


The power of a joint committee to delegate a function under this paragraph, and to determine the extent and terms of the delegation, are subject to the power of the QCDA and any other person with whom the QCDA established the joint committee to direct (acting jointly) what the committee may and may not do.


The Secretary of State may authorise any committee established under paragraph 9(2) to perform such of the QCDA's functions as are specified in the direction given under that provision.