Part 5 U.K.Nature conservation

Chapter 1U.K.Marine conservation zones

Designation of zonesU.K.

120Publication of orders designating MCZsU.K.

(1)This section applies where an order has been made under section 116.

(2)The appropriate authority must publish notice of the making of the order.

(3)The notice under subsection (2) must—

(a)be published in such manner as the appropriate authority thinks is most likely to bring the order to the attention of any persons who are likely to be affected by the making of it;

(b)give an address at which a copy of the order may be inspected.

(4)The appropriate authority must—

(a)make a copy of the order available for inspection at the address specified under subsection (3)(b) at all reasonable hours without payment;

(b)provide a copy of the order to any person who requests one.

(5)The appropriate authority may charge a fee, not exceeding its costs, for providing a copy under subsection (4)(b).