Part 15Film production

Chapter 3Film tax relief


1205Artificially inflated claims for additional deduction or film tax credit


So far as a transaction is attributable to arrangements entered into wholly or mainly for a disqualifying purpose, it is to be ignored in determining for any period—


any additional deduction which a company may make under this Chapter, and


any film tax credit to be given to a company.


Arrangements are entered into wholly or mainly for a disqualifying purpose if their main object, or one of their main objects, is to enable a company to obtain—


an additional deduction under this Chapter to which it would not otherwise be entitled or of a greater amount than that to which it would otherwise be entitled, or


a film tax credit to which it would not otherwise be entitled or of a greater amount than that to which it would otherwise be entitled.


“Arrangements” includes any scheme, agreement or understanding, whether or not legally enforceable.