Business Rate Supplements Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections

Power to impose business rate supplements

Sections 1 and 2: Power to impose a BRS and levying authorities

12.Section 1 confers on levying authorities (which are defined in section 2(1)) a new power to levy a BRS on national non-domestic ratepayers for the purpose of raising money for expenditure on projects intended to support the economic development of the authority’s area (subsection (2)). For the purposes of the Act, non-domestic ratepayers are those persons liable to pay national non-domestic rates under sections 43 and 45 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.

13.Section 2(2) and (3) makes provision for two or more levying authorities to levy a BRS jointly. This provision could be used by authorities who are undertaking a joint project to promote economic development in their local areas, possibly as part of a Multi Area Agreement (where local authorities work in partnership with local agencies, for example to support economic growth). The majority of functions connected with a BRS will be exercisable jointly, although levying authorities will individually be responsible for publishing the BRS prospectus under section 5 and maintaining their own BRS revenue account under Schedule 3.

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