SCHEDULE 2Appropriation of amounts and sums voted for supply services and limits on appropriations in aid

Part 11Home Office, 2009–10

Table of —

(a)the resources authorised for use to meet the costs of the services and purposes which are specified in the first column of the Table for the year ending with 31 March 2010;

(b)the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund to meet those costs; and

(c)limits set, for the purposes of section 2 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (c. 20), on the resources applicable as appropriations in aid to meet those costs.

Estimate/Request for ResourcesNet Resources authorised for useGrants out of the Consolidated FundOperating Appropriations in AidNon-operating Appropriations in Aid
HOME OFFICE10,600,665,0000
1. Working together to protect the public10,451,669,0001,321,631,000
Police; set-up costs, loans and investments in the Forensic Science Service; registration of forensic practitioners; emergency planning; the prevention and treatment of drug abuse; crime reduction and prevention; regulation of the private security industry; criminal justice planning system and other services related to crime; identity cards; identity management; counter-terrorism and intelligence; control of immigration and nationality; passports; work permits; support for asylum seekers, refugees (including the provision of loans) and VCS refugee organisations; firearms compensation and related matters; claims by local authorities for the Kosovan evacuees special grant; support to local authorities, including Area Based Grants; payments to other Government departments; payments of grant and grant-in-aid to organisations promoting Home Office objectives, (including Non-Departmental Public Bodies); the administration and operation of the department; and associated non-cash items.
TOTAL, 2009–1010,451,669,00010,600,665,0001,321,631,0000