SCHEDULE 2Appropriation of amounts and sums voted for supply services and limits on appropriations in aid

Part 22Ministry of Defence, 2009–10

Table of —


the resources authorised for use to meet the costs of the services and purposes which are specified in the first column of the Table for the year ending with 31 March 2010;


the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund to meet those costs; and


limits set, for the purposes of section 2 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (c. 20), on the resources applicable as appropriations in aid to meet those costs.

Estimate/Request for Resources

Net Resources authorised for use

Grants out of the Consolidated Fund

Operating Appropriations in Aid

Non-operating Appropriations in Aid








1. Provision of defence capability



Personnel costs of the Armed Forces and their reserves and cadet forces (including provision for Naval Service to a number not exceeding 42,100; provision for Army Service to a number not exceeding 123,660; provision for Air Force Service to a number not exceeding 46,270; and provision for officers and men in the Reserve Forces not exceeding the numbers specified in respect of each of the Reserve Forces for the purposes of Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 (c. 14) in House of Commons Paper No. 117 of Session 2008-09) and personnel costs of Defence Ministers and of civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence; movements; charter of ships; logistic services for the Armed Forces; repair, maintenance, stores and supply services; associated capital facilities and works; contractors' redundancy cost; plant and machinery; nuclear warhead and fissile material programme; procurement, including development and production of equipment and weapon systems for the Armed Forces; purchases for sale abroad; research etc by contract; sundry procurement services including those on repayment terms; land and buildings works services; contingent liabilities; services provided by other Government departments; sundry services, subscriptions, grants and other payments including those abroad such as assistance to Foreign and Commonwealth Governments for defence related purposes and UK youth community projects; set-up costs and loans to, and income from, Trading Funds; and other associated non-cash items.

2. Operations and Peace-Keeping



The net additional costs for current operations (near cash resource, non-cash resource and capital) in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans; (programme) costs for early warning, crisis management, conflict resolution/peacemaking, peace-keeping and peace-building activities in other parts of the World; associated strengthening of international regional systems; capacity-building; and the Stabilisation Aid Fund (Iraq and Afghanistan); and associated non-cash costs.

3. War Pensions and Allowances, etc



Pensions and other payments/allowances for disablement or death arising out of war or service in the Armed Forces after 2 September 1939, awards to surviving members of British groups held prisoner by the Japanese during the Second World War (Far Eastern Prisoners of War) or their surviving spouse and pensions and other payments in respect of service in the Armed Forces at other times; and other associated non-cash items.

TOTAL, 2009–10



