SCHEDULE 2U.K.Appropriation of amounts and sums voted for supply services and limits on appropriations in aid

Part 29 U.K.Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, 2009–10

Table of —

(a)the resources authorised for use to meet the costs of the services and purposes which are specified in the first column of the Table for the year ending with 31 March 2010;

(b)the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund to meet those costs; and

(c)limits set, for the purposes of section 2 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (c. 20), on the resources applicable as appropriations in aid to meet those costs.

Estimate/Request for ResourcesNet Resources authorised for useGrants out of the Consolidated FundOperating Appropriations in AidNon-operating Appropriations in Aid
1. To help ensure business success in an increasingly competitive world1,996,271,0002,093,707,000
Promotion of enterprise, innovation and increased productivity delivered through market solutions designed to meet market imperfections identified within the portfolios of innovation, international trade and investment, regional investment, enterprise for small firms and people & skills; support for business, including support for specific industries, small businesses, regional programmes and programmes to promote research and development, innovation, best practice and sustainable development; promotion of strong, fair and competitive markets at home and abroad including developing fair and effective legal and regulatory frameworks and delivering regulatory reform, measures to combat international bribery and corruption, measures to protect investors, measures to promote the interests of consumers, support for employment relations programmes and measures to promote a skilled and flexible labour market; the efficient management and discharge of liabilities falling to the Department, including nuclear waste management and decommissioning and liabilities in respect of former shipbuilding industry employees; provision of a repayable credit facility for Royal Mail; exchange risk and other guarantee losses; subscriptions to international organisations and fulfilment of international treaty obligations; payments to other Government departments and the Devolved Administrations in relation to programmes supporting BERR objectives; support for Government Offices; grants and grants-in-aid to organisations promoting BERR objectives, including Non-Departmental Public Bodies; financial assistance to public corporations and trading funds including Ofcom; managing the Government's shareholder interest in the portfolio of commercial businesses wholly or partly owned by Government; funding of the Department's executive agencies; issuing budgets and making payments to Regional Development Agencies, to which other Government departments will contribute by supplying resources which BERR will appropriate in aid; payments to local authorities in respect of Local Area Agreements and New Burdens responsibilities; miscellaneous programmes, including payments in respect of claims for the restitution of property of victims of Nazi persecution, compensation for distant water trawlermen and assistance to redundant steelworkers; Departmental administration costs and a share of the administration costs of UK Trade and Investment; payments towards the expenses of the Office of Manpower Economics; associated non-cash items.
TOTAL, 2009–101,996,271,0002,547,034,0002,093,707,0006,453,500,000