Section 482: Condition as to trading and miscellaneous incoming resources
1481.This section sets out the condition about the limit on the level of trading and miscellaneous incoming resources that has to be met if the exemptions in sections 480 and 481 are to apply. It is based on section 46 of FA 2000. The corresponding rule for income tax is in section 528 of ITA.
1482.The condition operates by reference to the incoming resources associated with the trading activity and miscellaneous transactions whose profits are not exempt under the other exemptions in this Part. The expression “incoming resources” is used instead of “gross income” because this accounting term is a more direct and accessible way of capturing the meaning of the income labelled “gross income” in the source legislation. There are also related points of clarification. See Change 34 in Annex 1. This change also affects sections 480 and 481 (see following paragraph).
1483.Trading incoming resources and miscellaneous incoming resources are defined in subsections (2) and (4) respectively. The “requisite limit” is defined in subsection (6). The total incoming resources must not exceed the limit set out in subsection (6)(a), but subsection (6)(b) ensures that the limit is never less than £5000 or greater than £50,000. Accordingly if a charitable company’s trading and miscellaneous incoming resources relating to its non-exempt activities for an accounting period are, say, £4500 it would qualify for the exemption (provided that all other conditions are met) under section 480 or 481, even if that amount exceeds 25% of its total incoming resources for the accounting period.
1484.Similarly if the incoming resources related to its non-exempt activities exceed £50,000 in an accounting period, the charitable company cannot benefit from the exemptions in section 480 or 481, even if this figure does not breach the 25% limit in subsection (6)(a).