Sovereign Grant Act 2011 Explanatory Notes

The Sovereign Grant

Section 7: Review by Royal Trustees of Sovereign Grant

65.This section requires the Royal Trustees to consider at fixed intervals whether the percentage in section 6(1) remains appropriate.

66.Under subsection (1), the Royal Trustees must review whether the percentage set out in Step 1 of section 6(1) remains appropriate.

67.Under subsection (2), the Royal Trustees must prepare a report setting out and explaining the conclusions of their review, including a recommendation for a different percentage if they think one justified.

68.Subsections (3) and (4) provide that the Royal Trustees must give a copy of the report to the Treasury, who must lay it before Parliament.

69.Subsection (5) requires regular reviews, starting from 1 April 2012. The first review must take place after 4 years, so it will begin in Spring 2016. Thereafter a review is required every 5 years.

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