Localism Act 2011 Explanatory Notes

Localism Act 2011

2011 CHAPTER 20


Part 1: Local Government

Chapter 4: Transfer and delegation of functions to certain authorities
Section 16: Delegation of functions by Ministers to permitted authorities

50.This section allows a Minister of the Crown to delegate to a permitted authority any of his or her eligible functions, subject to such conditions as the Minister thinks fit. A function is eligible for these purposes as long as it does not consist of a power to make regulations or other instruments of a legislative character or a power to fix fees or charges and the Minister considers that it can be appropriately exercised by the permitted authority. No delegation to a permitted authority, or variation of a delegation, can be made without the agreement of the permitted authority. Before delegating a function the Minister must consult such persons as he or she considers appropriate. A delegation could be revoked at any time by a Minister of the Crown.

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