Explanatory Notes

Education Act 2011

2011 CHAPTER 21

15 November 2011

Commentary on Sections

Part 5: Educational Institutions: Other Provisions


Section 41: School inspections: matters to be covered in Chief Inspector’s report

206.Section 41 changes the areas that the Chief Inspector is under a general duty to report on as part of an inspection conducted under section 5 of EA 2005.

207.The section replaces subsections (5) and (5A) of section 5 and inserts a new subsection (5B). New subsection (5) sets out the general duty of the Chief Inspector to report on the quality of education provided in the school, and new subsection (5A) sets out details of what the report must in particular cover. These areas are:

208.In reporting on the quality of education provided in a school, including in relation to the four specified areas above, the Chief Inspector must consider the areas set out in new subsection (5B). This includes consideration of how well a school provides for different groups of pupils. Such groups include but are not limited to gender and minority ethnic groups, those eligible for free school meals and the pupil premium, looked after children and gifted and talented pupils. The Chief Inspector must in particular consider how well the school meets the needs of pupils with a disability and those with special educational needs. In addition, the Chief Inspector must consider the school’s provision for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils.