Postal Services Act 2011
2011 CHAPTER 5
Commentary on Sections
Part 3: Regulation of postal services
Universal service providers
Section 37: Publication of information about performance
187.This section provides that designated USP conditions must include provision requiring a designated universal service provider to publish information about its provision of a universal service in accordance with specified standards, and may include other conditions requiring information to be published in relation to its performance in complying with specified requirements. “Specified” means specified in the condition. These conditions must also include a requirement for the provider to publish an annual performance report which must be audited by a person who is independent of both OFCOM and universal service providers for accuracy and, if there are two or more universal service providers, for its usefulness in comparing information published by another provider. Information previously published must be updated and published again. When and where it is published may also be specified.
188.The Directive requires Member States to ensure that universal service providers publish annual reports which have been independently audited (Article 16 and 19). These provisions implement the publication requirements of those Articles.
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