PART 3Regulation of health and adult social care services

CHAPTER 3Licensing

Transitional provision

I2112I1F1Duration of transitional period


Section 111 ceases to have effect in relation to an NHS foundation trust on such day as the Secretary of State may by order specify.


Different days may be appointed in relation to different NHS foundation trusts.


A day specified under subsection (1) must not—


in the case of an NHS foundation trust authorised on or before 1 April 2014, be before 1 April 2016;


in the case of an NHS foundation trust authorised after 1 April 2014, be before the end of the period of two years beginning with the day on which the trust was authorised.


In this section, a reference to being authorised is a reference to being given an authorisation under section 35 of the National Health Service Act 2006.


Section 111 is repealed as soon as there are—


no NHS foundation trusts in relation to which it has effect, and


no NHS trusts in existence (whether because they had all ceased to exist without section 179 having come into force or there are none continuing in existence by virtue of subsection (3) of that section).