Section 86: Out of date references to certificates of criminal records
346.Section 86 amends section 75 of the Data Protection Act 1998, which provides that section 56 of that Act, which in turn would make it an offence for an employer or prospective employer to require a person to supply details of any convictions or cautions in respect of that person held by the police (otherwise known as ‘enforced subject access’), cannot be commenced until criminal conviction certificates, criminal record certificates and enhanced criminal record certificates are all available under the 1997 Act. The amendments to section 75 replace out of date references to sections 113 and 115 of the 1997 Act (which were repealed by the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005). The replacement provisions for sections 113 and 115 are now sections 113A and 113B which provide for criminal record certificates and enhanced criminal record certificates respectively.