Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2013


ReferenceExtent of repeal
50 Geo.3 c.cxcii (1810) (Dublin Foundling Hospital Act)The whole Act.
54 Geo.3 c.128 (1814) (Dublin Foundling Hospital Act)The whole Act.
55 Geo.3 c.lxxxi (1815) (Meath Hospital and County of Dublin Infirmary Act)The whole Act.
59 Geo.3 c.lxi (1819) (Meath Hospital and County of Dublin Infirmary Act)The whole Act.
1 Geo.4 c.29 (1820) (Dublin Foundling Hospital Act)The whole Act.
1 Geo.4 c.49 (1820) (Dublin House of Industry Act)The whole Act.
3 Geo.4 c.35 (1822) (Dublin Foundling Hospital Act)The whole Act.
Dublin Hospitals Regulation Act 1856 (19 & 20 Vict. c.110)The whole Act.
Dublin Eye and Ear Hospital Act 1897 (60 & 61 Vict. c.cvi)The whole Act.