Marine Navigation Act 2013 Explanatory Notes

General Lighthouse Authorities

Section 8: General lighthouse authority areas

28.Section 8 amends section 193 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 by inserting subsection (6) to clarify that the area in which each GLA may operate includes the area for which the United Kingdom has jurisdiction for the prevention of pollution from ships.

Section 9: General Lighthouse authorities: commercial activities

29.This section inserts new section 197A into the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. It authorises the GLAs to enter into agreements for others to use the authorities’ assets and to provide consultancy and other services. It also allows the GLAs to obtain reimbursement from the General Lighthouse Fund in respect of certain expenditure incurred in connection with such agreements. The consent of the Secretary of State is required prior to the entry into such an agreement or such expenditure being incurred. Any sums received by the GLAs under such agreements must be paid into the General Lighthouse Fund.

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