Explanatory Notes

Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013

2013 CHAPTER 30

17 July 2013

Commentary on Sections and Schedules

Part 1 – Marriage of same sex couples in England and Wales

Extension of marriage

Section 1 – Extension of marriage to same sex couples

24.Section 1 makes marriage of same sex couples lawful in England and Wales and sets out the legislative provisions under which same sex couples may marry. It ensures there is no obligation on the clergy of the Church of England and the Church in Wales to marry same sex couples and makes particular provision to avoid conflict with the Canons of the Church of England.

25.Under subsection (2) marriages of same sex couples may be solemnized in accordance with:

26.The effect of subsection (3) is to preserve the integrity of the Canon law of the Church of England in relation to marriage. Under the Submission of the Clergy Act 1533, Canon law cannot be contrary to general law. In particular, Canon B30 (paragraph 1) states that “The Church of England affirms, according to our Lord’s teaching, that marriage is in its nature a union permanent and lifelong, for better for worse, till death them do part, of one man with one woman…”.

27.Subsection (3) therefore provides that the maintenance of Canon B30 in particular by the Church of England is not contrary to the general law which enables same sex couples to marry.

28.Subsections (4) and (5) provide that any duty of a member of the clergy of the Church of England or the Church in Wales to solemnize a marriage does not extend to same sex couples. In addition, any corresponding right of parishioners to be married by such clergy does not extend to same sex couples. The effect of this is that the common law duty on the clergy of the Church of England and the Church in Wales to marry parishioners is not extended to same sex couples.
