Finance Act 2014

Giving of follower notices

204Circumstances in which a follower notice may be given

(1)HMRC may give a notice (a “follower notice”) to a person (“P”) if Conditions A to D are met.

(2)Condition A is that—

(a)a tax enquiry is in progress into a return or claim made by P in relation to a relevant tax, or

(b)P has made a tax appeal (by notifying HMRC or otherwise) in relation to a relevant tax, but that appeal has not yet been—

(i)determined by the tribunal or court to which it is addressed, or

(ii)abandoned or otherwise disposed of.

(3)Condition B is that the return or claim or, as the case may be, appeal is made on the basis that a particular tax advantage (“the asserted advantage”) results from particular tax arrangements (“the chosen arrangements”).

(4)Condition C is that HMRC is of the opinion that there is a judicial ruling which is relevant to the chosen arrangements.

(5)Condition D is that no previous follower notice has been given to the same person (and not withdrawn) by reference to the same tax advantage, tax arrangements, judicial ruling and tax period.

(6)A follower notice may not be given after the end of the period of 12 months beginning with the later of—

(a)the day on which the judicial ruling mentioned in Condition C is made, and

(b)the day the return or claim to which subsection (2)(a) refers was received by HMRC or (as the case may be) the day the tax appeal to which subsection (2)(b) refers was made.

205“Judicial ruling” and circumstances in which a ruling is “relevant”

(1)This section applies for the purposes of this Chapter.

(2)“Judicial ruling” means a ruling of a court or tribunal on one or more issues.

(3)A judicial ruling is “relevant” to the chosen arrangements if—

(a)it relates to tax arrangements,

(b)the principles laid down, or reasoning given, in the ruling would, if applied to the chosen arrangements, deny the asserted advantage or a part of that advantage, and

(c)it is a final ruling.

(4)A judicial ruling is a “final ruling” if it is—

(a)a ruling of the Supreme Court, or

(b)a ruling of any other court or tribunal in circumstances where—

(i)no appeal may be made against the ruling,

(ii)if an appeal may be made against the ruling with permission, the time limit for applications has expired and either no application has been made or permission has been refused,

(iii)if such permission to appeal against the ruling has been granted or is not required, no appeal has been made within the time limit for appeals, or

(iv)if an appeal was made, it was abandoned or otherwise disposed of before it was determined by the court or tribunal to which it was addressed.

(5)Where a judicial ruling is final by virtue of sub-paragraph (ii), (iii) or (iv) of subsection (4)(b), the ruling is treated as made at the time when the sub-paragraph in question is first satisfied.

206Content of a follower notice

A follower notice must—

(a)identify the judicial ruling in respect of which Condition C in section 204 is met,

(b)explain why HMRC considers that the ruling meets the requirements of section 205(3), and

(c)explain the effects of sections 207 to 210.