In this Schedule -


where one asterisk (*) or two asterisks (**) or three asterisks (***) appears in any description of matters to which expenditure may relate, or from which income may arise, the text from the asterisk or asterisks to the end of the description does not appear in the corresponding part of the Scheduled Estimates in the Schedule to the Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2011 as originally enacted, and


where one asterisk (*) or two asterisks (**) or three asterisks (***) appears at the beginning of such a description, the description is a description which was not included in that Schedule as originally enacted.


Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4) below, text which follows one asterisk (*) was added by Schedule 1 to the Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2012.


Subject to paragraph (4) below, text which follows two asterisks (**) was added by Schedule2 to the Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2013.


Text which follows three asterisks (***) is added by this Schedule.

Ministry of Defence, 2011-12Ministry of Defence


Net resources authorised for current purposes

Net resources authorised for capital purposes

Net Cash Requirement




Ministry of Defence

Departmental Expenditure Limit



Annually Managed Expenditure



Non-Budget Expenditure


Net Cash Requirement






Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Ongoing military commitments, including identifying and countering the threat of terrorist attack on the UK Mainland, and maintaining the integrity of UK waters and airspace. Contributing to the community by Search and Rescue, administration of cadet forces, costs of assistance to other Government Departments and agencies. Defence diplomacy, and the department's support of wider British interests. Delivering military capability, including costs of front line troops, attributed costs of logistical and personnel support costs. Research on the equipment and non-equipment programme. Defence Estates and business infrastructure. To support Ministers and Parliament. Strategic management and corporate services.

  • Personnel costs of the Armed Forces and their Reserves, Cadet forces, and personnel costs of Defence Ministers, and of civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence. Movements; charter of ships; logistic services for the Armed Forces; repair, maintenance, stores and supply services; associated capital facilities and works; contractors' redundancy costs; plant and machinery; nuclear warhead and fissile material programme; procurement, including development and production of equipment and weapon systems for the Armed Forces; purchases for sale abroad; research by contract; sundry procurement services including those on repayment terms.

  • Land and buildings works services. Services provided by other Government Departments. Sundry services, subscriptions, grants and other payments including those abroad via assistance to Foreign and Commonwealth Governments for defence-related purposes. UK youth community projects. Set-up costs and loans to Trading Funds. Spending by defence-related Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs). Support of operations (Afghanistan) over and above the costs of maintaining the units involved at their normal state of readiness. The net additional (programme) costs for early warning, crisis management, conflict resolution/peace-making, peace-keeping and peace-building activities in other parts of the World. The net additional costs of associated strengthening of international regional systems; capacity-building; and stabilisation activities.

  • * Support of operations (Libya) over and above the costs of maintaining the units involved at their normal state of readiness.

  • Personnel costs of the Armed Forces and their Reserves includes provision for Naval Service to a number not exceeding 42,550; provision for Army Service to a number not exceeding 124,270; provision for Air Force Service to a number not exceeding 44,730; and provision for officers and men in the Reserve Forces not exceeding the numbers specified in respect of each of the Reserve Forces for the purposes of Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 in House of Commons Paper No. 769 of Session 2010-12 and adjusted in House of Commons Paper No. 1745 of Session 2010—12.

  • ** Personnel costs of the Armed Forces and their Reserves includes additional provision of 1,000 for officers and men in the Royal Air Force Reserve and Reserve Air Forces as adjusted in House of Commons Paper No. 992 of Session 2012-13.

  • *** Personnel costs of the Armed Forces and their Reserves includes additional provision of 839 for officers and men and women in the Special Members of the Reserve Naval Forces as adjusted in House of Commons Paper No. 1075 of Session 2013-14.

Income arising from:

  • Provision of services to foreign Governments and other government departments. Payments for services provided by Trading Funds. Dividends and loan repayments from Trading Funds. Sale of assets. recovery of costs from personnel. Rent for use of Ministry of Defence property and miscellaneous receipts.