Explanatory Notes

Children and Families Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 6

13 March 2014

Commentary on Sections

PART 3 - children and young people in england with special Educational Needs OR DISABILITIES

Mainstream education

Section 33: Children and young people with EHC plans

203.Section 33 sets out what action should be taken when a local authority is making an EHC plan for a child or young person with special educational needs who is to go to a school or college, where either:

204.It places a duty on the local authority to make sure that the EHC plan provides for the child or young person to be educated in a maintained nursery school or mainstream setting (that is, not in a special school or special college) unless that is against the wishes of the young person or the child’s parent, or would damage the efficient education of others and there are no reasonable steps that could be taken to overcome this. If one of those conditions applies, the child or young person’s EHC plan can provide for them to be educated in a special school or a special post-16 institution such as an independent specialist provider.

205.This section replaces sections 316 and 316A of the Education Act 1996 and extends the provisions to young people in post-16 education.