Section 34: Children and young people with special educational needs but no EHC plan
206.This section applies to a child or young person in England who has special educational needs but no EHC plan and who is to be educated in a school or post-16 institution. It sets out the general principle that those children and young people must be educated in a maintained nursery school, mainstream school or mainstream college except in particular circumstances. These are: where it is agreed that they are admitted to a special school or special post-16 institution to be assessed for an EHC plan; it is agreed that they are admitted to a special school or special post-16 institution following a change in their circumstances; they are admitted to a special school which is established in a hospital; or where they are admitted to a Special Academy whose Academy arrangements allow it to admit children or young people with special educational needs who do not have an EHC plan.
207.This section replaces sections 316 and 316A of the Education Act 1996 and extends the provisions to young people in post-16 education.