Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections


Business impact target

Section 24: Additional matters to be included in reports

209.This section makes further provisions in relation to the reports.

210.Subsection (2) stipulates that the assessment of the impacts of a qualifying regulatory provision can only be included in the report if it has been verified by the independent verification body appointed under section 25. This mirrors the current administrative arrangement under which the Regulatory Policy Committee verifies the cost to business of all measures that fall within the scope of the One-in Two-out target before performance is reported in the Statement of New Regulation. Where an impact has not been agreed at the time of publication of the report covering the period in which the provision came into force, subsection (4) requires that it is included in the report covering the next reporting period.

211.The third report, which will cover the period in which the interim target applies, must include an assessment of the extent to which that target has been met (subsections (5) and (6)). Similarly, the final report (which will be published at the end of the Parliament) must include an assessment against the overall business impact target (subsections (7) and (8)).

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