Modern Slavery Act 2015 Explanatory Notes

Section 6:  Sentencing

41.This section adds the section 1 and 2 offences to the list of offences in Schedule 15 and Part 1 of Schedule 15B to the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (“the 2003 Act”). The effect is to engage the provisions in sections 224A, 226A(2) and 246A(2)(b) of the 2003 Act. By virtue of the provisions in section 224A of the 2003 Act, a court must impose a life sentence on a person aged 18 or over who is convicted of an offence listed in Part 1 of Schedule 15B to that Act which is serious enough to justify a sentence of imprisonment of 10 years or more, if that person has previously been convicted of an offence listed in any Part of Schedule 15B and was sentenced to imprisonment for life or for a period of 10 years or more in respect of that previous offence. However, the court is not obliged to impose a life sentence where it is of the opinion that there are particular circumstances which relate to the offence, the previous offence or the offender which would make it unjust to do so in all the circumstances.

42.Section 226A provides for extended sentences for adults. The sentence may be imposed in respect of the sexual and violent offences listed in Schedule 15 to the 2003 Act (which will now include the section 1 and 2 offences) where certain conditions are met. The court must consider that the offender presents a substantial risk of causing serious harm through re-offending. In addition the court must either consider that the current offence is serious enough to merit a determinate sentence of at least 4 years, or at the time the present offence was committed the offender must have previously been convicted of an offence listed in Schedule 15B of the 2003 Act (which will now include the slavery and human trafficking offences). Where these conditions are made out, the court may impose an extended period for which the offender is to be subject to a licence of up to five years for a violent offence and up to eight years for a sexual offence. Schedule 15 to the 2003 Act lists violent and sexual offences separately.

43.Section 246A of the 2003 Act deals with the release arrangements in respect of persons sentenced to an extended sentence under section 226A of that Act. Offenders who have committed an offence listed in Parts 1 to 3 of Schedule 15B to the 2003 Act (Part 1 will now include the slavery and human trafficking offences), or whose offending merits a custodial term of 10 years or more, will be considered for release on licence by the Parole Board once the offender has served two-thirds of the appropriate custodial term, and will be released automatically at the end of the appropriate custodial term (that is, the term imposed by the court as the custodial element of the extended sentence) if the Parole Board has not already directed release.

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