Exercise of functions

8Matters to which the OGA must have regard

(1)The matters to which the OGA must have regard when exercising its functions include the following, so far as relevant—

  • Minimising future public expenditure

    The need to minimise public expenditure relating to, or arising from, relevant activities.

  • Security of supply

    The need for the United Kingdom to have a secure supply of energy.

  • Storage of carbon dioxide

    The development and use of facilities for the storage of carbon dioxide, and of anything else (including, in particular, pipelines) needed in connection with the development and use of such facilities, and how that may assist the Secretary of State to meet the target in section 1 of the Climate Change Act 2008.

  • Collaboration

    The need for the OGA to work collaboratively with the government of the United Kingdom and with persons who carry on, or wish to carry on, relevant activities.

  • Innovation

    The need to encourage innovation in technology and working practices in relation to relevant activities.

  • System of regulation

    The need to maintain a stable and predictable system of regulation which encourages investment in relevant activities.

(2)In this section and section 9—