


1(1)In this Schedule, where two asterisks (**) appear at the beginning of a description of matters to which expenditure may relate, the description is a description which was not included in the Schedule to the Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2014 as originally enacted.

(2)Text which follows two asterisks (**) is added by this Schedule.

Department for Education, 2014-15

Department for Education

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department for Education
Departmental Expenditure Limit031,228,000
Annually Managed Expenditure101,366,0000
Non-budget Expenditure3,072,871,000
Net Cash Requirement0

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Capital, recurrent payments and loans and associated non cash items in support of the Department's objectives for primary, secondary, tertiary and international education; children's services, including Early Years and Sure Start; Young Peoples services and welfare; curriculum; qualifications and the inspection regime; workforce development and reform; and pension costs for voluntary services overseas (VSO) participants. Expenditure covers both the Department itself, its Executive Agencies and Arms Length Bodies (ALBs), the Children's Commissioner and expenditure associated with Academy activities; together with residual costs from ALBs being closed; loans to educational establishments. Expenditure also covers administration costs and associated non cash items, for the Department, its Executive Agencies and ALBs, and for administration of the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Income arising from:

  • Contributions towards and receipts from the three National Executives, other Government Departments and other sources (including the EC) in connection with a range of educational, training, youth support, children and family programmes and initiatives in UK and overseas; Early Intervention Foundation receipts. Income associated with Academy activities. Income also derives from sales of products and publications; rent, sales receipts and profits from surplus Departmental or former ALB properties, equipment or other assets (including some repayment of proceeds of sale), rental income from properties at the European School at Culham and repayments of grant overpaid in previous years. Receipts associated with the closure of departmental ALB's. General administration receipts, including from Teachers TV, recoveries from services provided to Sure Start, international receipts, Schools Standards Fund receipts and Music Manifesto Champion. Recovery of salaries and associated costs for seconded staff.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Take up and maintenance of Departmental, Executive Agencies and ALB's provisions and associated non cash items. Impairments, tax and pension costs for the Department, it's ALB's and Executive Agencies. Provisions, impairments, tax and pension costs associated with Academy activities and associated non cash items.

Non-Budget Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • ** Prior period adjustments