SCHEDULE 2Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements

PART 1Constitution, proceedings etc.




The IMA may regulate its own procedure, subject to the following.


The IMA must establish and maintain a register of members’ interests.


The IMA must publish entries recorded in the register.


A meeting of the IMA is not quorate unless—


at least half the members appointed for the time being are present, and


a majority of the members present are non-executive members.


The IMA’s procedures must include arrangements for dealing with conflicts of interests (within the meaning of paragraph 4(5)) of members.


The arrangements must oblige each member—


to declare all financial interests,


to declare any other personal interest relevant to the exercise of a function, and


to withdraw from the exercise of any function to which an interest of a sort mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) is relevant, unless the IMA is satisfied that the interest will not influence the exercise of the function.


The validity of any proceedings of the IMA, or of its committees or sub-committees, is not affected by a vacancy or a defective appointment.