Northern Ireland Budget Act 2023



Departmental expenditure limit
Net resources for current purposes4,307,740,000
Net resources for capital purposes232,755,000
Annually managed expenditure
Net resources for current purposes298,613,000
Net resources for capital purposes-
Non-budget expenditure
Net resources for current purposes-
Net resources for capital purposes-
Money requirement4,672,940,000


Departmental expenditure limit
  • Expenditure arising from:

    Central expenditure on hospital, paramedic and ambulance services; community health services; family health services; social care services; public health and wellbeing programmes; fire and rescue services; training; European Union programmes; expenditure on activities that are required as a result of the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union; governmental response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic; response to emerging health issues; grants to voluntary organisations and other bodies; payments to other government departments; services provided on behalf of other departments; repayment of grants; repayment of loans; reviews and inquiries; UK COVID-19 Inquiry activities; compensation, settlement of legal claims and ex-gratia payments; indemnities; payments from provisions; severance payments; administration; related services; profit or loss on disposal of assets; depreciation and impairments; write offs; bad debts; other noncash items.

    Net expenditure and non-cash items of Health and Social Care Trusts; Regional Business Services Organisation; Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service; Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency; Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency; Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery; Northern Ireland Social Care Council; Patient and Client Council; Health and Social Care Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority; Food Safety Promotion Board (known as safefood); The Institute of Public Health in Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee; Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board.

Annually managed expenditure
  • Expenditure arising from:

    Creation and movement of provisions; non-cash items including but not restricted to: depreciation and impairments; write offs; bad debts; expenditure on activities that are required as a result of the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union; governmental response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic; related services and costs; UK COVID-19 Inquiry activities.

    Net expenditure and non-cash items of Health and Social Care Trusts; Regional Business Services Organisation; Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service; Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency; Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency; Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery; Northern Ireland Social Care Council; Patient and Client Council; Health and Social Care Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority; Food Safety Promotion Board (known as safefood); The Institute of Public Health in Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee; Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board.