Departmental expenditure limit
Income arising from:
The use of video link and conferencing facilities; pension contributions and superannuation liability charges; work done for other departments and ALBs; recoupment of salaries and associated costs for seconded staff; recovery of costs from staff; freedom of information and data protection act receipts; recovery of compensation paid; recoupment of grant funding; recovery of costs associated with providing forensic science services; receipts in connection with the Justice Act (NI) 2011; other Access to Justice receipts; Safer Communities receipts; fireworks and explosives licensing and inspection; proceeds of prison goods and services; prisoner productions; staff accommodation; European Union (EU) income; contributions to community programmes and initiatives; student placement; Youth Justice and Prison Service tuck shop sales; criminal history checks; fees and costs recovered or received for the use of the Department of Justice estate; court and tribunal fees; recovery of costs for the Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board and associated compensation payments, and costs for the Victims' Payments Board and associated payments for the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme; proceeds of crime; fines and fixed penalty notices; recoveries of legal aid monies and contributions from assisted parties; administration fees in respect of funds in court; monies recovered in respect of third party claims; recoveries from the National Insurance Fund for the costs of Office of the Social Security and Child Support Commissioner; other fees; related income; sundry receipts.