PART 3Providers of regulated user-to-user services and regulated search services: duties of care

CHAPTER 6Codes of practice and guidance


52OFCOM’s guidance about certain duties in Part 3


OFCOM must produce guidance for providers of Category 1 services to assist them in complying with their duties set out in section 14 (assessments related to the adult user empowerment duty set out in section 15(2)).


OFCOM must produce guidance for providers of Category 1 services to assist them in complying with their duties set out in section 18 (news publisher content).


OFCOM must produce guidance for providers of Part 3 services to assist them in complying with—


their duties set out in section 23 or 34, except the duty set out in section 23(10) or 34(9) (record-keeping and review), and


their duties set out in section 36 (children’s access assessments).


Before producing guidance under subsection (1) or (3) (including revised or replacement guidance), OFCOM must consult the Information Commissioner.


OFCOM must publish guidance under this section (and any revised or replacement guidance).