
Part 2Carbon dioxide capture, storage etc and hydrogen production, transport and storage

Chapter 5Carbon storage information and samples

Requirements relating to information and samples

112Power of OGA to require information and samples

(1)The OGA may by notice in writing, for the purpose of carrying out any of its functions under Chapter 3 of Part 1 of the Energy Act 2008 (storage of carbon dioxide), require—

(a)a licensee to provide it with any carbon storage information, or a portion of any carbon storage sample, held by or on behalf of the licensee;

(b)a person who holds information or samples in accordance with an information and samples plan to provide it with any such information or a portion of any such sample.

(2)The notice must specify—

(a)the form or manner in which the information or the portion of a sample must be provided;

(b)the time at which, or period within which, the information or the portion of a sample must be provided.

(3)Information requested under subsection (1) may not include items subject to legal privilege.

(4)Requirements imposed by a notice under this section are sanctionable in accordance with this Chapter.

(5)Where a person provides information or a portion of a sample to the OGA in accordance with a notice under this section, any requirements imposed on the person in respect of that information or sample by regulations under section 108 are unaffected.