
PART IIAmendment of Licensing Law

20Costs of justice whose decision is appealed against to be paid out of the county or borough funds

In every case of appeal against the decision of any licensing justice the court to which such appeal is made shall adjudge and order that the treasurer of the county or place in and for which such justice whose decision is appealed against shall have acted on the occasion when he gave such decision shall pay to such justice such sum as in the opinion of the court shall be sufficient to indemnify such justice from all costs and charges whatsoever to which such justice may have been so put, and which cannot be recovered from any other person, and the said treasurer is hereby authorised to pay the same, which shall be allowed to him in his accounts. The order of the appellate court may be made either at the sessions when the appeal is heard, or at the next ensuing sessions, and the costs may be taxed either in or out of sessions.