PART IISulphuric Acid, Muriatic Acid, and other specified Works

8Provisional Order to prevent discharge of noxious or offensive gas in cement and smelting works

(1)An inspector may inquire whether, in any works in which aluminous deposits are treated for the purpose of making cement (hereinafter called cement works) or in any works in which sulphide ores, including regulus, are calcined or smelted (hereinafter called smelting works), means can be adopted at a reasonable expense for preventing the discharge from the furnaces or chimneys of such works into the atmosphere of any noxious or offensive gas evolved in such works, or for rendering such gas where discharged harmless or inoffensive.

(2)Where it appears to the Local Government Board that such means can be adopted at a reasonable expense, the Board may by order require the owners of such works to adopt the best practicable means for the purpose, and may by the order limit the amount or proportion, in the case of cement works or smelting-works, of any noxious or offensive gas which is to be permitted to escape from such works into the chimney or into the atmosphere, and may also by the order extend to such works such provisions of this Act relating to scheduled works as they think fit.

(3)An order made under this section shall be provisional only, and shall not be of any validity until confirmed by Parliament, but when so confirmed shall have full effect, with such modifications as maybe made therein by Parliament; and the expression " this Act " when used in this Act shall be deemed to include an order so confirmed, so far as is consistent with the tenor of that order.

(4)The Board shall take such steps as they may think fit for giving notice to persons interested of the provisions of any order made by them under this section before any Bill for confirming the same is introduced into Parliament.

(5)An order made under this section may impose fines for a breach of its provisions of like amount as any fines imposed by this Act for offences against this Act.

(6)An order made under this section may be repealed, altered, or amended by any subsequent order made under this section, and confirmed by Parliament.