
5Application to Scotland

In the application of this Act to Scotland—

(1)References to the forbidding of a certificate shall not apply ;

(2)A reference to a caveat shall be construed as a reference to an objection, and the provisions respecting the entry of a caveat on frivolous grounds shall not apply;

(3)The expressions " Registrar-General " and "registrar" mean respectively the Registrar-General of births, deaths, and marriages in Scotland, and the registrar of births, deaths, and marriages for a parish or district under the [17 & 18 Vict. c. 80.] Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland) Act, 1854, and the Acts amending that Act;

(4)Paragraph (a) of subsection one of section two shall be read as if the following words were inserted after the word " solemnised, " namely, " or to any registrar, " law agent, or other person whom he desires to " draw up any declaration of irregular marriage " between him and a British subject " ; and paragraph (V) of the same subsection shall be read as if the following words were inserted after the word " solemnised, " namely, "or to aid in effecting the said irregular marriage " ;

(5)The duly appointed minister of a synagogue shall be substituted in subsection (3) of section two for the secretary of the synagogue or deputy as described in that subsection.