1Substitution of precautionary for prohibitory provisions as to infection.
Section fifty-seven of the M1Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897, shall be read as if the words " that proper precautions " against spreading disease or infection have been taken, and " that such Child may attend school without the risk of infecting " others" were substituted for the words " that such child has " become free from disease and infection, and that the house " and everything therein exposed to infection has been disinfected to the satisfaction of such medical officer or medical " practitioner."
Section fifty-eight of the said Act shall be read as if the words " shall (a) without proper precautions against spreading " such disease or infection, milk any animal, or pick fruit, or " engage in any occupation connected with food, or shall (b) " were substituted for the words " stall milk any animal, or pick " fruit, or shall engage in any occupation connected with food, " or ; " and as if the words "or infection, and any person who " knowingly" were substituted for the words " and any person " who knowing himself to be suffering from any infectious " disease."
Section fifty-nine of the said Act shall be read as if the words " unless in every such case as aforesaid proper precautions '' have been taken against spreading such disease or infection; " and any person contravening any of the foregoing provisions " shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds; and if " without such precautions" were substituted for the words " and any person contravening any of the foregoing provisions " shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds ; and if."