PART IIAllotments

Powers of Councils in relation to the provision of Allotments

33Transfer of allotments to borough, district, and parish councils


The allotment wardens under the Inclosure Acts, 1845 to 1882, having the management of any land appropriated under those Acts either before or after the passing of this Act for allotments or field gardens for the labouring poor of any : place, may, by agreement with the council of the borough, urban district, or parish, within whose borough, district, or parish that place is wholly or partly situate, transfer the management of that land to the council, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon with the sanction, as regards the allotment wardens, of the Board, and thereupon the land shall vest in the council.


All trustees within the meaning of the [45 & 46 Vict. c. 80.] Allotments Extension Act, 1882, required or authorised by that or any other Act to let lands in allotments to cottagers, labourers, journeymen, or others in any place, may, if they think fit, in lieu of letting the land in manner provided by the said Acts, sell or let the land to the council of the borough, urban district, or parish in which such place is wholly or partly situate, upon such terms as may be agreed upon, with the sanction, as regards the trustees, of the Charity Commissioners or the Board of Education, as the case may require.


Where, as respects any rural parish, any Act constitutes any persons wardens of allotments, or authorises or requires the appointment or election of any wardens, committee, or managers for the purpose of allotments, the powers and duties of the wardens, committee, or managers shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be exercised and performed by the parish council, or, in the case of a parish not having a parish council, by persons appointed by the parish meeting, and it shall not be necessary to make the said appointment or to hold the said election.


The provisions of this Act relating to allotments shall apply to land vested in, or the management whereof has been transferred to, a council under this section or the corresponding provision of any enactment repealed by this Act in like manner as if the land had been acquired by the council under the general powers of this Part of this Act.