PART IISafety (General Provisions).

14Other machinery.

(1)Every dangerous part of any machinery, other than prime movers and transmission machinery, shall be securely fenced unless it is in such a position or of such construction as to be as safe to every person employed or working on the premises as it would be if securely fenced.:

Provided that, in so far as the safety of a dangerous part of any machinery cannot by reason of the nature of the operation be secured by means of a fixed guard, the requirements of this subsection shall be deemed to have been complied with if a device is provided which automatically prevents the operator from coming into contact with that part.

(2)Where the Secretary of State is satisfied that there is available and suitable for use in connection with machinery of any class any type or description of safety device which—

(a)prevents the exposure of a dangerous part of machinery whilst in motion; or

(b)stops a machine forthwith in case of danger,

he may make regulations directing that the type or description of device shall be provided for use in connection with such class of machinery as may be specified in the regulations :

Provided that, in any proceedings in respect of a contravention of this subsection, it shall be a sufficient defence to prove that a device at least equally effective was being used in connection with the machinery in respect of which the contravention occurred.

(3)Any part of a stock-bar which projects beyond the head-stock of a lathe shall be securely fenced unless it is in such a position as to be as safe to every person employed or working on the premises as it would be if securely fenced.

The Secretary of State may, as respects any machine or any process in which a machine is used, make regulations requiring the fencing of materials or articles which are dangerous while in motion in the machine.