PART IIIWelfare (General Provisions).


(1)There shall be provided and maintained so as to be readily accessible a first-aid box or cupboard of the prescribed standard, and where more than one hundred and fifty persons are employed an additional box or cupboard for every additional one hundred and fifty persons.

For the purposes of this provision the number of persons employed in a factory shall be taken to be the largest number of persons employed therein at any one time, and any fraction of one hundred and fifty shall be reckoned as one hundred and fifty. Where the persons employed are employed in shifts, the calculation of the number employed shall be according to the largest number at work at any one time.

(2)Nothing except appliances or requisites for first-aid shall be kept in a first-aid box or cupboard.

(3)Each first-aid box or cupboard shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person who shall, in the case of a factory where more than fifty persons are employed, be trained in first-aid treatment, and the person in charge shall always be readily available during working hours. A notice shall be affixed in every workroom stating the name of the person in charge of the first-aid box or cupboard provided, in respect of that room.

(4)If an ambulance room is provided at the factory and such arrangements are made as to ensure the immediate treatment there of all injuries occurring in the factory, the chief inspector may by certificate exempt the factory from the requirements of this section to such extent and. subject to such conditions as he may specify in the certificate.