32Searches in registers kept by registrars
Every registrar shall at any time when his office is required to be open for the transaction of public business allow searches to be made in any register of births or register of deaths in his keeping, and shall give a copy certified under his hand of any entry therein, on payment of the following fees respectively, that is to say—
(a)for every search covering a period of not more than one year, the sum of one shilling and sixpence;
(b)for every search covering a period of more than one year, the sum of one shilling and sixpence for the first year together with an additional ninepence for every additional year; and
(c)for every certified copy the sum of three shillings and ninepence:
Provided that this section shall not apply in relation to a register of still-births except as the registrar may, with the consent of the Registrar General, in any particular case allow.