General provisions as to transmission of postal packets
17Power to detain postal packets containing contraband
Without prejudice to the last foregoing section, the Postmaster-General may detain any postal packet suspected to contain any goods chargeable with any customs duty which has not been paid or secured or any goods in the course of importation, exportation or removal into or out of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man contrary to any prohibition or restriction for the time being in force with respect thereto under or by virtue of any enactment and may forward the packet to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise.
Where any postal packet has been forwarded to the said Commissioners under this section they may—
in the presence of the person to whom the packet is addressed; or
if, after notice in writing from them requiring his attendance left at or forwarded by post to the address on the packet, the addressee fails to attend, or if the address on the packet is outside the British postal area, then in his absence,
open and examine the packet.
Where the said Commissioners open and examine a postal packet under this section, then—
if they find any such goods as aforesaid they may detain the packet and its contents for the purpose of taking proceedings with respect thereto ;
if they find no such goods, they shall either deliver the packet to the addressee upon his paying any postage and other sums chargeable thereon or, if he is absent, forward the packet to him by post.