
SEVENTH SCHEDULETransitional Provisions

PART IIPassenger Fares in London

5In the application of subsection (4) of section forty-five and subsection (4) of section forty-six of this Act to the Commission, references to subsection (1) of section eighteen of this Act and to directions by the Minister under this Act shall be construed as references to subsection (4) of section three of the Transport Act, 1947, and as references to directions by the Minister under that Act.

6(1)If immediately before the date when section forty-four of this Act comes into force there is in operation an order under subsection (2) of section twenty-three of the Transport Act, 1953 (which relates to special temporary increases in fares), amending any pant of the charges schemes under Part V of the Transport Act, 1947, which is continued in force by this Act, the Commission shall, within one month of the date of the order or such longer period as the Minister may allow, apply to (the Transport Tribunal under section forty-six of this Act for the alteration of all or any of their fares subject to the London fares orders (whether or not all or any of those specified in the application were the fares affected by the order).

(2)Any application by the Commission in compliance with subsection (5) of the said section twenty-three (which requires the Commission to apply within a prescribed time for confirmation of an order under subsection (2) of that section) which is pending before the Transport Tribunal When section forty-four of this Act comes into force shall be deemed to have been made in compliance with the foregoing sub-paragraph, and the proceedings on that application shall foe continued in such manner as the Tribunal may direct as if they were proceedings under section forty-six of this Act.

7Any application by the Commission under section forty-six of this Act which is pending on the vesting date, and any application required to be made by 'the Commission under section forty-eight of this Act which has not been made on the vesting date, shall be proceeded with, or made, by the London Board and the Railways Board jointly:

Provided that if the application under section forty-six or the notice under section forty-eight of this Act was concerned with charges for the services of one of the Boards exclusively, the application shall be proceeded with or made by that Board alone.