C1FIFTH SCHEDULE Provisions for purposes of Part I where Immediate Landlord is not the Freeholder

Modifications etc. (not altering text)

Provisions as to liabilities under tenants’ covenants in superior leases



Where subsection (1) of section ten of this Act applies, any terms to which this paragraph applies shall cease to have effect in so far as they relate to the premises constituting the dwelling-house, and any liability of the competent landlord or any mesne landlord or of any predecessor in title of the competent landlord or of any mesne landlord, under any such terms, in so far as it related to those premises and was a liability subsisting at the termination of the relevant tenancy, shall be deemed to have been extinguished on the termination of that tenancy.


This paragraph applies to any terms of any tenancy owned by the competent landlord or by any other landlord, whether to be performed during that tenancy or on or after the expiration or determination thereof, except any such terms as are mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) of the proviso to subsection (1) of section ten of this Act:

Provided that where any term to which this paragraph applies relates both to the dwelling-house and to other premises, nothing in this paragraph shall affect its operation in relation to the other premises.


Notwithstanding anything in sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph, if the interest of the competent landlord, being a tenancy, or the interest of any mesne landlord, has not come to an end by the end of the period of the statutory tenancy, and the terms on which that interest was held included an obligation to repair or maintain the dwelling-house or the dwelling-house and other premises, then as from the end of the period of the statutory tenancy the instrument creating the interest of the competent landlord or mesne landlord shall be deemed to contain a covenant with the grantor of the interest that the grantee of the interest will at all times maintain the dwelling-house in a state of repair no less good than that in which it was after the completion of any initial repairs to be carried out thereon in accordance with the provisions of Part I of this Act, and will yield up possession of the dwelling-house in such a state on the coming to an end of the interest of the said landlord.


Where, in a case falling within sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph, the competent landlord satisfies the court—


that the obligations under the tenancy which in relation to him is the immediate mesne tenancy differ from the obligations under the relevant tenancy, and


that if the obligations under the relevant tenancy had been the same as those under the first-mentioned tenancy he would have been entitled to recover any amount by way of payment for accrued tenant’s repairs which he is not entitled to recover, he shall be entitled to recover that amount from the tenant under the first-mentioned tenancy, or, if that tenancy has come to an end, from the person who was the tenant thereunder immediately before it came to an end.


Where in accordance with the last foregoing sub-paragraph, or with that sub-paragraph as applied by the following provisions of this sub-paragraph, any sum is recoverable from a person, the last foregoing sub-paragraph shall with the necessary modifications apply as between him and the person entitled to the interest (if any) which in relation to him is the immediate mesne tenancy or, if such an interest formerly subsisted but has come to an end, as between him and the person last entitled to that interest.


In this paragraph the expression “the immediate mesne tenancy”, in relation to the competent landlord or to a mesne landlord, means the tenancy on which his interest in those premises is immediately expectant.