PART VIIIEmployment of Women and Young Persons
Hours of Work
128Notice fixing periods of employment, and c
It shall, in the case of every mine and quarry, be the duty of the responsible person to fix within the limits allowed by or by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Act and to specify in a notice which shall be posted at the mine or quarry in such form as the Minister may specify—
the period of employment for each day of the week for the women and young persons employed at the mine or quarry whose hours worked are regulated by section one hundred and twenty-five of this Act;
any intervals allowed for meals or rest to such women and young persons;
and no such woman or young person shall be employed at the mine or quarry otherwise than in accordance with the notice.
Different periods of employment and different intervals may be fixed under this section for different classes of women and young persons employed at a mine or quarry and for different days of the week.
A change in the periods or intervals fixed under this section with respect to women or young persons employed at a mine or quarry shall not be made until the responsible person has served on the inspector for the district, and posted in some conspicuous position at the mine or quarry, notice of his intention to make the change, and shall not be made oftener than once in three months, unless for special cause allowed in writing by the inspector for the district.